You're applying to university….

…but you're paralysed by fear and over-whelm when it comes to writing your personal statement.

Lucy ParsonsI know you. You're normally a model student. After all, you've been doing your research into unis and courses like the best of them: your browser history only has university websites in it; you've spent all your money on train tickets to open days; and, you've been reading around your subject until your head spins.

But, when it comes to actually writing your personal statement you freeze. 

The whole thing is, frankly, intimidating. You have no idea where to start, what to say or how to say it. How can you be feeling so helpless when this is so important?

Newnham College graduation

Me on my graduation day in the gardens of my college, Newnham, in Cambridge

I'm here to help.

My name's Lucy. I help people like you get into the university of their dreams. I remember the day very well when I was told it was time to write my own personal statement. I had no idea where to start or what to write about. For someone who usually can't stop writing it was a very strange feeling. I always had something to say, but when it came to this particular piece of writing I was paralysed by writers' block.

In the end, I crafted a personal statement that got results. I was offered places at all six universities I applied to, including Cambridge where I was very happy to study for three years.

Later, I returned to Cambridge and trained to be a teacher.

I've brought together all my knowledge and experience of how to write personal statements and combined it with my teaching expertise to bring you this:

3 Easy Steps to a Killer Personal Statement

How would it feel if someone helped you:

  • Brainstorm all the stuff from your whole life you could possibly write about in your personal statement? (I promise you, there's more than you realise for you to say!)
  • Cherry-pick what to include in your personal statement so that you can be sure to ‘wow' admissions tutors with your passion and experience?
  • With the perfect structure for your personal statement to give it that perfect flow and readability?
  • Write a captivating opening sentence that no admissions tutor could ignore?
  • Gave you all the steps to successfully editing and perfecting your personal statement so that it really shines?

This is what some students said in answer to this question:

“Like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. It would mean I'd done everything I could.”

“Like the stress was relieved off me. It would make me feel calm rather than scared.”

3 Easy Steps to a Killer Personal Statement

I've got just the thing for you.

I've created a guide that will hold your hand through every step of writing your personal statement. When you buy you will receive a guide in PDF and video format that will take you from a blank piece of paper to a finished and polished personal statement you can be proud of.

The guide is split into three sections:

  • Module 1 – Getting your head together – Forget that perplexed feeling you've got now. We start by putting pen to paper in a safe and easy way that will show you just how much amazing stuff you've got to write about in your personal statement. I guide you through this process step-by-step so that you go from feeling like you've got nothing to say to feeling totally confident that you've got plenty to fill those 4,000 characters.
  • Module 2 – Organizing your personal statement One of the hardest things about writing a personal statement is putting all your experience into a coherent structure that actually makes sense. I will show you exactly how to do this in a way that creates a statement that's truly personal to you so that it flows seamlessly making it easy for admissions tutors to read, whilst impressing them with your experience and individuality.
  • Module 3 – Writing your personal statement Are you breaking out in a fit of anxiety every time you think about writing your opening sentence? Stop worrying. I show you exactly what it takes to craft a captivating first line as well as first paragraph so that admissions tutors are drawn into reading on, as they would be when reading a best-selling thriller. We fine-tune the flow of your personal statement and I leave you with my top tips on how to edit and redraft so that you get your personal statement done and sent off fast so you can get back to your studies.

We also get inside the head of the admissions tutor. It's so important to ‘get' the mind-set of the person you're writing for if you want to make a successful application for anything so that you make it a no-brainer for them to put you on the ‘yes' pile and automatically offer you a place.


3 Easy Steps to a Killer Personal Statement“Prior to using ‘3 Easy Steps to a Killer Personal Statement,’ I found it difficult to gather all of my ideas together and put them in some sort of order to articulate them. I was struggling to make sense of it, getting it straight in my head what was required as well as what was relevant or not.

‘3 Easy Steps to a Killer Personal Statement’ has made writing my personal statement easier, more manageable and less stressful as it has offered a clear, structured way of approaching the personal statement process, breaking it down into specific, detailed sections. It has also made it easier to pull all of my points and ideas together in one place, allowing me to see what is relevant and necessary. As well as this, it was a lot more reassuring having the videos, as it seems a lot more personal and puts you at ease knowing that Lucy is someone who can give advice and, has been through the process, and knows what she is talking about!” Laura Rowe, 17 (Laura was offered an interview at Oxford on the strength of her application)

Are you ready to bypass the fear and over-whelm of writing a personal statement? Click the Add to Cart button to get instant access


Three easy steps to a killer personal statement

A screenshot of one of the videos…

Who is this guide for?

This guide is for you if:

  • You're totally frozen with fear when it comes to writing your personal statement. I will take you through the whole process in baby steps making it easier than you can imagine for you to write a personal statement you'll be proud of.
  • You've tentatively scribbled down a few ideas on paper but you totally lack confidence about whether you're using the right examples, whether you've phrased it all correctly and what order you should put it in your statement. I'll show you how to move from your scribbled ideas to an outstanding statement in less time than you'd believe possible.
  • You don't want to do this alone. You've tried but you just don't have the confidence to put together a personal statement you believe in on your own. You know that having an experienced voice breaking down the process for you will get it done more quickly and with less stress so that you can be 100% confident in the end result and let you get on with other things.
  • You know it takes work to write a stellar personal statement but you'd rather do the work right than spend hours doing it wrong. You want to get it done fast so that you can get back to focusing on your studies and getting those A-mazing grades!

 However, it isn't for you if:

  • You just want someone else to write your personal statement for you.
  • You can't be bothered to do the work.
  • You don't really want to go to university at all, you're only applying because you think you ought to.

Get your personal statement done and concentrate on your studies

In Year 13 you've got a lot to think about. You need to study hard to get the grades you need for university. Once you've sent your application off you may be called for interviews. You probably have other stuff going on in your life too (part-time job, friends, hobbies, boyfriend?…). Wouldn't it be great to get your personal statement done to a high standard and sent off so you can move on to the next thing? I'm offering you the chance to get this important job ticked off your list with confidence. You're not just buying an awesome guide to writing your personal statement. You're also buying:

  • Offers from the universities you long to study at. Rejection sucks. You really don't want to either end up having to apply again next year or radically change what you want to do, do you?
  • Reduced stress because once your personal statement is done and sent off to UCAS you can can stop trying to multi-task writing it and studying and get back to the important business of getting your grades!
  • Saved time as you work through a process you can trust rather than dithering on your own because you don't know what you're doing. That saved time can be reinvested in your studies making sure you get the grades you need (or you could go shopping…)
  • Confidence that you're communicating what you want to say to the admissions tutors effectively so you stand the best chance of being offered a place at university
  • Peace of mind when you submit your UCAS form so you don't have sleepless nights wondering if your personal statement was good enough

Testimonial 3 Easy Steps to a Killer Personal Statement“Before working through this guide I was having the most trouble with showing my passion for the subject I want to study and also how to condense everything I've done into the most important parts needed. This guide has allowed me to show passion through relating different things I've done such as topic areas or courses/visits which I didn't think of myself. It also meant that I have organised everything I could possibly write and condensed it to one very important point per section which makes it so much easier to plan! I think using this guide will mean I won't have to do as many redrafts as I know what I need to write.  My favourite thing was the videos, as usually when organising a personal statement it's all pen to paper, whereas the videos gave guidance and also broke up the time a bit to make it more manageable. This guide really has helped me to control my stress which has been high! Thank you for making it more manageable and really helping to start to impress universities!” Sophie Richardson, 17, South Shields, UK.

Get your personal statement nailed. Click the ‘Add to Cart' button right now…


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When you buy ‘3 Easy Steps to a Killer Personal Statement' I want you to be 100% happy. If you complete the worksheets and you're not happy with the results I will give you a 100% refund. All you have to do is send me copies of your completed worksheets.



My gift to you…

As a special bonus gift I've included a video giving you the inside scoop on my own personal statement (the one that got me into Cambridge and offers at five other leading universities).

“Before I used this guide I was finding it difficult to make a start using a blank sheet of paper. I had some idea about an order but it was too vague, and the added pressure of the personal statement made me feel overwhelmed. The guide made writing my personal statement easier by having little sections for each point and having some examples to prompt in case I got stuck. The guide also helped as there are videos to help along the way and get an actual voice talking things through and explaining each key part. It also helped me feel more confident and I have realised there is a lot for me to write about in each little heading – therefore taking some stress off me and making it all more manageable.” 


Falak, 17


Start crafting your killer personal statement – get instant access when you Add to Cart.

You can get started with writing your killer personal statement within minutes when you buy 3 Easy Steps to a Killer Personal Statement. When you click ‘Buy now' you'll be taken to a secure payment system where you'll need a credit or debit card. You will then be able to download the guide, save it to your computer and get started. Good luck!

Lucy signature








Your questions answered

When I buy 3 Easy Steps to a Killer Personal Statement what do I get?

When you buy you'll download a PDF workbook. This workbook is designed to be printed out (it's all in black and white so it's easy to print) and written in – it's the place where you collect, develop and sift all the ideas you could use in your personal statement. However, you'll also need a copy open on your screen as there are live links inside the PDF. When you click on the links you'll be taken to password protected pages on my website which host the videos. (Don't worry, I give you the passwords in the PDF – they're there, right where you need them, when you need them). Watch each video then fill in the appropriate section of the workbook in turn. It's so much more than just a book!

You also get a bonus video where I talk you through exactly what I wrote in my personal statement to get me offers at six of the UK's leading universities (Cambridge, Durham, UCL, Edinburgh, St Andrews and Nottingham). I also explain to you how you can use the strategies I used in my personal statement to make yours just as powerful as mine!

I want to study X. Will it really work for me?

The way I've designed the writing process means that you can use it to write a truly outstanding personal statement whether you want to study Art History or Astrophysics. You may be wondering how I can do that. Well, it comes down to the fact that every personal statement has to do one job – communicate to an admissions tutor why you're perfect for your chosen course. This is done in a fairly standard format. What you need to do is slot your story, experiences and further reading into this format and write about it in a way that conveys your passion for your subject and your intelligence in an authentic way. I can show you how to do this whatever subject you want to study.

Is this really value for money?

I get it, money isn't unlimited, especially when you're in the sixth form and thinking about embarking on an expensive university education. However, the fact that you're applying tells me that you believe in the power of going to university. You know it will lead to increased earnings, a more interesting career and the time of your life while you're actually studying. Because you believe in the power of university you want to be sure that your application is successful. This guide is the guide that I wish I'd had when I was in your shoes. It shows you exactly what to do to write your personal statement in less time and with less stress. If you follow my instructions I can all but guarantee that you'll get offers. This means that you can get back to focusing on your studies as soon as possible so you get the grades you need, you can apply earlier in the UCAS cycle (which could give you a higher chance of being offered a place) and you won't have to waste a year of your life re-evaluating and re-applying because you were rejected on the back of a sub-standard UCAS statement. You can just get on with your education in the way you envision it now – less stress and better results.

Can I go at my own pace, in my own time?

Yes! When you download the workbook you can print it off and start using it at anytime. However, when you buy you'll be given the opportunity to receive encouraging emails from me to get you through the whole writing process – you'll have a truly excellent first draft faster than you believe!

Do I need an internet connection?

You will need an internet connection to download the workbook. With the videos, you have the option to watch them through my website (which you'll need an internet connection for) or download them all in one go to your chosen device so you can watch them out and about, on a long journey or even when you're on holiday somewhere where there's no Wi-Fi. I've made it as easy as possible for you!

The time is now. Get an instant download and start writing your personal statement today.

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