How to revise for exams – books that can help you

Do you need help with how to revise for exams?

Below, you'll find my books that will help students studying for their GCSEs and A Levels to get motivated to revise and find a way of studying that works for them.

How to revise for exams - Study Skills Books by Lucy Parsons
The Ten Step Guide to Acing Every Exam You Ever Take

My book, as seen in The Telegraph

The Ten Step Guide to Acing Every Exam You Ever Take (Paper copy or Kindle)

Are you:

  • Struggling to get motivated to study for your exams?
  • Constantly finding yourself procrastinating, spending too much time on your phone and not enough on your studies?
  • Searching for revision techniques that actually work for you?
  • Stressed out about having too much to revise in too little time?
  • Seeing little improvement in your grades despite doing dozens of past papers?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then The Ten Step Guide to Acing Every Exam You Ever Take is the book for you.

In this book, I give you a complete formula for how to revise for exams and getting the top grades every time. Starting with unlocking your motivation and fixing your exams mindset, I guide you through a practical system that will reduce the overwhelm, banish procrastination, give your life balance and empower you to work towards your exams in a methodical and low-stress way.

RRP £12, Amazon often sells it for less

Revision Quickstart Guide

Only available on Kindle

Revision Quickstart Guide: Get Revising and Learn How to Pass Exams in Just 30 minutes (Kindle only)

Are you having trouble getting started with your revision? Are you getting in a panic because time is drifting away? Are you losing sleep worrying about results day, but still can’t get started?

Whatever your problem with getting started you have no more time to waste. This book will show you how to revise for exams and where to start with your revision in just 30 minutes.

In the book these questions are answered in a concise and supportive way:
•What is revision?
•How do you revise?
•How do you get started with your revision?
•What are the best revision techniques to use?

You will also be shown how to create a revision timetable, how to stick to your revision timetable, how to deal with exam stress and how to spend the last 24 hours before an exam. Finally, you’ll have a handy list of revision dos and don’ts.

Read all this in under 30 minutes, then get revising!

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