About Us

At Life More Extraordinary Academic Coaching we help:

  • Young people who want to do well reach their full potential in their exams and get into their first-choice university (without the stress, self-doubt or overwhelm)
  • Supportive parents who want their children's education to open up opportunities, but don't want to be too pushy or end up nagging and putting pressure on their children
Lucy Parsons

Students, parents and teachers come to us when they need an inspiring combination of practical advice and aspirational encouragement. We teach the study skills and revision techniques that get students the grades they dream of and coach them to create compelling university applications that simply can’t be ignored. 

When you’ve got us on your side don’t you dare limit your dreams!

Meet our founder...

This is Lucy Parsons, our founder's, story...

"I was nine years old and on a family day-trip to Cambridge. As I walked around the Great Court of Trinity College, something stirred inside me and I knew, just knew, I had to study there.

However, I was an ordinary sheep-farmer’s daughter at my village primary school. I went on to a rather unambitious comprehensive. Nobody outside my family believed in me and they didn’t know how to show me the way to achieve my dreams.

So, I worked it out for myself. I developed a study system that earned me 5 A grades at A-Level which unlocked the door to my dream…. I studied geography at Newnham College, Cambridge.

After graduation, I was head-hunted for my first corporate job. I soon tired of office life, went round the world and then trained to be a teacher.

After four years in the classroom I started my family. Still passionate about education, but wanting to be as present as possible in the lives of my own children, I started my academic coaching business, Life More Extraordinary. My book, The Ten Step Guide to Acing Every Exam You Ever Take, was published by John Catt Educational in February 2017. I now work with a select group of students 1:1 and with many families through my online hub, The Extraordinaries Club."

Lucy Parsons BA Graduation Newnham College, Cambridge

Lucy on her graduation day in the gardens of her college, Newnham, at Cambridge University

Whatever the challenge, especially when the going gets tough, Lucy is always there with spot-on advice based on real experience, given with great skill.


Member of The Extraordinaries Club

What next?

FREE tip sheet

Download 7 Tips for Parents to Help Your child Reach their Academic Potential

Get Lucy's book

The Ten Step Guide to Acing Every Exam You Ever Take was featured in The Telegraph.

Work with us

Find out how you can work with us, from The Extraordinaries Club to 1:1 coaching.

Lucy have been featured in these publications

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