From ordinary to extraordinary: how to maximise your exam results (even if you're not a genius)

Free Workshop- How to maximise your exam results (even if you’re not a genius)Are you in an exam year? You have to watch the replay of the live workshop I did with Martin Griffin. You will:

  • Learn the five pillars for achievement at A-Level (not one of them is intelligence!)
  • Find out how you can reduce your time studying and improve your grades at the same time
  • Hear Martin's 20 years of experience getting exceptional results for his students distilled into one hour of goodness

Your exam efforts need you to take one hour out from your study schedule to hear this golden information. Sign-up to access the replay and get your hands on the free download.

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Need more info? Here it is…

Who's hosting this workshop?

Me (Lucy Parsons) with my special guest Martin Griffin. I'm an academic coach and mentor who helps 15-18 year olds get the best grades and into the university of their dreams. I'm a straight a student (5 A grades at A-Level), have a degree from Cambridge Unversity and I'm a qualified teacher.

Martin is the Director of Sixth Form at The Blue Coat School in Oldham. The sixth form is twice rated outstanding by Ofsted. For each of the last five years, progress measures have placed AS and A level students at The Blue Coat School in the top 10 per cent nationally. Together with his colleague, Steve Oakes, Martin is publishing a book this year called ‘A-Level Mindset'. It's based on the exercises he's used and perfected with his students at The Blue Coat School to get the outstanding results they've achieved. In the webinar Martin will be guiding you through one of the exercises in the book (before it's even published!).

Is it really free?

Yes! It's free. Both Martin and I are both so passionate about getting you amazing results that this is a completely free live event!

What tech do I need to attend?

You just need an internet connection and a screen. When you sign-up you'll get an email from me with a link to where the live event will be taking place. 5 minutes before it starts just make yourself comfy and click on the link.

Is this just for A-Level students?

No! You will learn massive amounts about how to maximise your exam results whether you're a GCSE or A-Level student. The sooner you start putting these techniques into place the sooner you'll start to see your result improve.

I'm busy that day – what should I do?

No worries. While it's best to come along live so you can ask any questions you have and fully take part in the event we understand that life happens. For this reason, they'll be a recording which you can watch when you've got time.

I hope that answers all your questions. Sign-up here to attend the workshop.

Sign up for the workshop (it's free!)

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