Revision Intervention Easter 2017

Oxbridge coachingHow do you think your son or daughter is getting on with their revision? At this time of year I start getting emails asking for help for a number of reasons and I wondered if you’d noticed any of these things in your child?

  • They just can’t seem to get motivated to revise
  • They seem to be in total denial about their upcoming exams and are procrastinating like they’ve got years, not weeks
  • They feel totally over-whelmed by how much there is to do and this is stopping them from getting started
  • They don’t actually know where to start with their revision
  • They haven’t started to revise because they don’t know how and you don’t know how to help them
  • They’re revising but they don’t seem to be making any progress and things just don’t seem to stick in their head

Well, I’d love to help you get your child get through this and I’ve realised that this week I’m able to offer you something that I can’t normally offer. As it’s still the Easter holidays (for some people) but my own children will be at school I can offer revision coaching during the day time. So, for this week only, I’m offering single one hour revision coaching sessions to five people. I’m currently fully booked for my usual six-week study skills coaching programme in the evenings but if you need my help I’m willing to try to find a way to make it happen.

My promise to you

  • Before the session you will email me to tell me what your child’s most pressing revision problems are. I will only book them in if I know that I can help them.
  • The session will be focused on dealing with the biggest problems your child is facing with their revision so that as soon it’s over they’re in a position to hit the books with confidence and the right attitude
  • Once we’ve dealt with their biggest revision struggles they can ask me anything else that will help you to make progress with your revision
  • Once our session is over I will email you and your child a summary of what we covered in our session and the next steps to get your child’s revision moving
  • I will follow-up with you by email in the following week to see how things are going and answer any further questions that may have come up in the time in between.

When are the sessions?

Wednesday at 10am or 11am  Gone

Thursday 20th April at 10am or 11am Gone

Friday 21st April at 9:30am Gone

Saturday 22nd April at 9:15 am and 11am

My promise to you

  • Before the session you will email me to tell me what your child’s most pressing revision problems are. I will only book them in if I know that I can help them.
  • The session will be focused on dealing with the biggest problems your child is facing with their revision so that as soon it’s over they’re in a position to hit the books with confidence and the right attitude
  • Once we’ve dealt with their biggest revision struggles they can ask me anything else that will help you to make progress with your revision
  • Once our session is over I will email you and your child a summary of what we covered in our session and the next steps to get your child’s revision moving
  • I will follow-up with you by email in the following week to see how things are going and answer any further questions that may have come up in the time in between.

By the end of the hour I promise to have removed the things that are getting in your child’s way and to have given you a clear action plan on how to move forward.

Where will it take place?

I do all my coaching online as it’s much quicker and more efficient for you and for me. I use zoom video conferencing, which is a bit like skype but has (in my experience) a more secure connection so we don’t have interruptions. When you book I’ll send you the link to my zoom room.

How much does it cost?

The cost of your one off session will be £95.

How to book

If this sounds like just the thing your child needs to get their revision finally moving in the right direction just email me at telling me:

  1. What your child’s greatest revision struggle is
  2. Your preferred times from the ones I’ve listed above
  3. What year group your child is in and what subjects they’re studying.

I can’t wait to give your child’s revision a serious kickstart!

Results I've achieved for students in the past

  • One student earned 10A*s and 2As in her GCSEs after working with me for six months
  • A university student went from scraping through her exams and getting into the second year by the skin of her teeth, saying she had no idea how to study, to being confident and focused about her revision
  • A year 12 student came to me with learning difficulties and no confidence and is now predicted A grades in all four of her subjects. She has been working with me 1:1 for four months.
  • After six weeks one year 12 client went from having no self-belief to actually taking responsibility for her results and really putting in the work


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