
Contact LucyParents, Students and Teachers

If you’ve got a question you’d like to ask me please email me:

Parents and Students

If you’d like to use my coaching services please visit my Work With Me page and book in a time to talk following the instructions there.


I do not currently offer live, in-person speaking engagements. However, if you would like me to do a webinar for your students or families please email to explain what you're looking for.

Bloggers and press

If you’d like to feature me, ask me to write an article or make an appearance please call 07789558744 if it’s urgent. If it’s not urgent it’s best to email

I’d also love to connect with you on social media.

The Supportive Parents, Successful Students facebook group (for parents)

Instagram (@lucycparsons)

Twitter (@LucyCParsons)

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