Get A-mazing grades and into your dream university

You’re an ambitious student. You’ve got high standards for yourself and you really want to achieve. It’s always been your dream to study at a top university (The Russell Group or maybe even Oxbridge) and you know how important your grades are to get you there. And from there, who knows? You might just change the world. However, for some reason you’re lacking confidence that you’ll pass your exams with the grades you want and need.

What you need is guidance, support and understanding from someone you trust.

I can be that person for you.

Lucy Parsons

My name is Lucy Parsons. When I was nine years old I developed an extraordinary ambition.

I wanted to study at Cambridge University.

The trouble was, I was an ordinary girl who went to normal schools and didn’t know how to achieve my dream.

To cut a long story short, I developed a study system that earned me five A grades at A-level and went to Newnham College, Cambridge to study Geography. Afterwards, I was headhunted for my first corporate job then returned to Cambridge three years later to do my teacher training. I taught in comprehensive schools for four years.

My mission is to help hard-working students like you achieve the same level of success that I did. I’m going to empower you to achieve what sometimes feels unattainable but with the right attitude, tools and skills is within your reach.

To me there’s nothing more rewarding than watching an ambitious young person overcoming their obstacles and reaping the rewards of their hard work by getting the top grades, a place at an outstanding university and learning to love studying in the process.

Lucy Parsons

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The Ten Step Guide to Acing Every Exam You Ever Take is my complete system for successfully reaching your full potential in your exams. It’s the system I used myself at school and at university, but it’s been refined and tweaked through my years of teaching and the experiences I’ve gained coaching clients and responding to the needs of the 4000 people who have signed up to my newsletter.

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