Study Skills Coaching

We are no longer taking 1:1 clients as the business is closing in September

You want your child to do well in their GCSEs or A Levels. Not because you want to put pressure on them, but because you want them to keep their options open and have as many choices available to them as possible. You know it’s a long time since you were at school, and even if you’re 100% confident that you know how to study, you know your teenager isn’t necessarily ready to listen to your advice.

You worry about the distractions of modern day living like social media and the Xbox. And, you’re deeply concerned about the pressure that young people are under these days and you want to shield your child from stress. You feel sure that this school year will be so much less stressful, and much more harmonious and successful if you have a neutral source of support.

That's where we can help you

Academic coaching

My team and I work with families to equip their children with the learning strategies and revision techniques they need to excel in their exams. We provide practical tips on getting students organised and prepared for their exams as well as the long-term study skills that will build them up to exams in a stress-free way (as well as making them more independent and employable).

With the right attitude, routine, revision techniques and plan (as well as some good old-fashioned hard work!) good grades are attainable for everyone.

By working with us through one of my one-to-one or group coaching programmes you can make grades that you previously believed were unattainable a reality and fulfill your dream of a place at your first choice of university.

These are the ways you can work with us...

The Extraordinaries Club

The Extraordinaires Club is an online hub containing my signature study skills course that will help your child to achieve their grades in the best way for them. It gives you on demand access to a library of workshops and downloads that cover everything you need to study successfully. You also get personalised advice from me through weekly coaching calls and a members only Facebook group.

It works because your child develops a personalised study system tailored to the way they work, what motivates them and their ambitions.

And you no longer have to stress, nag or worry.

Your investment: £64 per month or £512 per year (for up to five family members)

The Exam Success Formula Testimonial


Our son was drifting towards his GCSEs with little enthusiasm but after doing the course, he is more motivated, more organised and has the tools to lead him to success. Lucy’s course is amazing and we would recommend it wholeheartedly. Above all, it has been fun to take part and we are a happier family because of it.

Juliet Bromley Mother of a Year 11 student

The Extraordinaries Club +

Need a little extra support? Choose from one of these packages...

Best In Class Experience

Class Of Your Own Experience

The Grade Maker Experience

Sort Your Studies Coaching call 


Working with Lucy for a year and a half taught me skills I will use right through university. I learned to manage my time, stay focused and prioritise. Lucy helped me structure and tailor my lifestyle to make the most out of my studying, even when things got tricky. I learned a lot from Lucy about consistency, and she helped me to get through the times of the year when it is easy to lose focus. Somehow she managed to help with broader study and life skills, as well as very particular, specific problems. I don't think I'd have the grades I do to my name today without Lucy's support. Lucy helped me not only to get the most out of academic life, but to improve my leisure time too. I learned how to keep calm and be completely in control of my workload all year round. I will use the techniques she taught me far into the future, and some well be beyond the classroom. She always believes in me and encourages me, but is nonetheless firm and frank.

LJ Baxter 

I worked with LJ through Year 11 and 12. She earned 10 A*s and 2 As at GCSE and an A in the AS Level she took in year 12

Best in Class Experience

This is our highest level coaching package. It offers a bespoke, personalised experience with frequent calls throughout the academic year.

Who's this for?

Students who need a high level of support and accountability with their studies. Typically these students will be those:

  • Who are unlikely to work through the materials in The Extraordinaries Club on their own
  • Who need a higher level of support and input from another adult in their lives

What you get…

  • 24 coaching sessions to be taken over a ten month period
  • Email summary of each coaching call to the student and parent so you know what's been covered and what the next steps are
  • In case you need a little bit of help between coaching calls you may email us
  • Full membership of The Extraordinaries Club for 10 months

Your investment: This level of support is £350 per month or £2,900 up front payment

How to book

Click the button below to book a time to talk to our lead coach Helen. When you speak, Helen will take the time to understand your needs, make sure you’re a good fit for our coaching, recommend which coaching package is right for you and answer your questions.

You can then decide if you’d like to proceed. If you would, we will match you with the best coach on the team for you and then you can get started with your coaching programme.


We were very fortunate to have been matched with Helen as the academic coach for our daughter who was struggling at the time to engage with her studies in the way that she wanted to and was required to in final leg of her long academic journey, year 13. She had lost her way, lacked  motivation and confidence and sadly she was on a downhill spiral.  Then we found Helen, with her amazing abilities to gauge and coach to bring the best out of our daughter in a way her academic teachers simply couldn’t.

The remarkable differences occurred from day one. After each session, we would see the return of the smile, enthusiasm and determination to do well in each and every subject. The transformation was incredible.

Through her skilful bespoke coaching Helen has given our daughter what she needed at the time; to reignite in her the love of learning and the desire to set goals and then work hard in an effective manner to meet them. Though her coaching Helen encouraged our daughter to develop new effective ways of learning and application, something which her school academic teachers had failed to provide.

Results day was an enjoyable experience for us all because with Helen’s ongoing coaching our daughter had secured 5 offers at universities and now attained the A-level grades required to read English literature at a university of her choice. Without Helen this would not have occurred.

If you are reading this then you will be thinking of engaging an academic coach to help your child. I would recommend Helen in a flash, in fact her pearls of wisdom are now so engrained in our daughter that we ourselves feel confident and reassured that she will do extremely well in the future… all thanks to Helen Chaplain. Words are not enough to express how we feel but we hope other parents will be encouraged to experience the effects of Helen’s coaching skill set which will result in a very happy, confident and motivated young person. 

Naina Tilney

Mother of a year 13 student

Class of Your Own Experience

This coaching package is for students who are more independent and don't need frequent support, but would like the edge that 1:1 calls will bring to their studies. 

Who’s this for?

Students who are confident about working through the materials in The Extraordinaries Club independently but want 1:1 input to help them:

  • Stay on track with the club materials.
  • Implement the club materials with the edge that extra support and advice from a club coach brings.
  • Support with anticipating upcoming challenges, managing their workload and staying on top of things as they go through the academic year.

What you get…

  • One coaching call per month with a member of my coaching team who are all experienced and highly qualified education or coaching professionals who have been thoroughly trained in my methodology. In total you will have ten 1:1 coaching calls, one per month through the ten month life of the package.
  • Email summary of each coaching call to the student and parent so you know what's been covered and what the next steps are.
  • In case you need a little bit of help between coaching calls you may email us
  • Full membership of The Extraordinaries Club for ten months

Your investment: £150 per month for ten months or £1250 up front payment

How to book

Click the button below to book a time to talk to our lead coach Helen. When you speak, Helen will take the time to understand your needs, make sure you’re a good fit for our coaching, recommend which coaching package is right for you and answer your questions.

You can then decide if you’d like to proceed. If you would, we will match you with the best coach on the team for you and then you can get started with your coaching programme.


"After his first session, my son told me, "Never, ever did I feel an hour has gone by so quickly." Having Zoe in his life has allowed my husband and I much needed peace of mind.

My year 10 son has also done the modules. We love the concept of a 'family' package."

Parent of a year 13 student 

Mother of a year 13 student on the Class Of Your Own Experience

The Grade Maker Experience

This option is for you if your child needs a kickstart to their study habits with some focused 1:1 support over six sessions.

What you get…

  • 6 coaching sessions to be taken relatively rapidly to get the study skills on board that they need to succeed in a short space of time
  • Email summary of each coaching call to the student and parent so you know what's been covered and what the next steps are
  • In case you need a little bit of help between coaching calls you may email us
  • Six months full membership of The Extraordinaries Club to support your 1:1 calls and then keep you going once the calls are over

Your investment: This level of support is £1,000 

How to book

Click the button below to book a time to talk to our lead coach Helen. When you speak, Helen will take the time to understand your needs, make sure you’re a good fit for our coaching, recommend which coaching package is right for you and answer your questions.

You can then decide if you’d like to proceed. If you would, we will match you with the best coach on the team for you and then you can get started with your coaching programme.


"Our son has been able to exceed our academic expectations with Carolyn's support! He achieved the very challenging grades he needed to get into his first choice of university."

Parent of a year 13 student 

This student had weekly calls for several months

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