Get motivated!

You really want to do well. You’re willing to work hard. But there’s a problem:

  • You’re constantly getting distracted by other things
  • Procrastination is a massive problem for you
  • You lack focus – you don’t know what you’re working towards (other than good grades, that is)

You’re not alone. I get emails all the time from people who just aren’t motivated to do the work it takes to get the grades they deserve. As exam season draws closer the emails get more and more desperate as people see their time running out…

Well, I’ve got a solution

Book a Get Motivated session with me and we’ll spend 1 hour together that will change your attitude to study forever!

In the session we will:

  • Discover your big motivation – that thing that will drive you forward day after day, week after week (and it’s personal to you)
  • Uncover your mini-motivations – the things that keep you going minute-to-minute and hour to hour when you’re in the thick of revision
  • Get clear on the difference between will-power and motivation and when you need to use which.

This is what people have said about their Get Motivated session:

“Since the Get Motivated session I have the motivation to work hard to get the grades I would like. The session made me think about the bigger picture; where I hope to be in the future so that I realise it's uber important to work hard now!” Molly, GCSE student, Bath.

“Before the Get Motivated session I was finding it difficult to motivate myself to complete my work at home. The session helped me to identify the goals I wanted, because I had failed to recognise what I wanted until I voiced it to you.

The recommendation of creating a vision board helps me when I lose focus and forget why it is important for me to study. The session also helped me identify that I needed to cut back on my work hours and I made the decision that I would finish with my tutoring by the end of January 2016 to allow me to focus wholly on my studies.” Paige, A-Level Student, Greater Manchester


Lucy Parsons BA Graduation Newnham College, Cambridge

Me on my graduation day in the gardens of my college, Newnham, at Cambridge University

The value of motivation

I know the value of motivation. Without having my massive ambition to get into Cambridge University I’m certain I wouldn’t have put the hours or the effort in to get 5 A Grades at A-Level. There just wouldn’t have been the point.

In your Get Motivated session I will help you to uncover your  massive ambition so you have real reasons to put in your hours and your effort to get the grades that do you justice.

You can read all the blog posts you like about how to write a revision plan and how to revise but without your motivation you’re unlikely to follow the advice. With the right motivation you’ll be unstoppable!

Book your session today

Here are all the practical details about your Get Motivated session.

Where and when will it happen?

It will happen over Skype, Google Hangouts or by phone (landlines only). It will happen at a time that's convinient for both you and me – I'll send you a link to book your time after you've paid.

How much does this cost?

This session costs £100.

“I really enjoyed talking to you and it was really helpful to be able to express to someone else what it is I actually want to achieve, as it made where I want to go so much clearer.” Zoe, 18, Northamptonshire


Got any more questions?

Shoot me an email and I'll get back to you.

Ready to get started?

Just make your payment and you'll hear back from me shortly.

“Before my Get Motivated session I found procrastinating a huge problem.

The session provided somebody to go through my thoughts and personal ambitions with me, so my targets materialised and have become tangible and now seem much more accessible. I now feel like I have a plan-of-action and can follow through achieving my bigger goals step-by-step in an ordered way, which very much suits my personality and helps me to feel in control and not overwhelmed. I also feel like taking things forward long-term will be easier for me now, so I don't have to worry so much. I feel more like I am running a marathon to my GCSEs, not having to sprint 26 miles in panic at the last minute. I can achieve my personal aspirations in good time.

My favourite aspect about the session was the ideas Lucy came up with and the input I had into personally modifying and improving my own study habits, and coming up with a plan-of-action from that. I also find Lucy is very easy to talk with and I can be open, and admit to failure.” Laura Jane, GCSE student, Kent.

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