What to do while you listen to podcasts

What to do while you listen to podcasts

I'm a podcast addict.

There, I said it.

The thing I love about podcasts is that they're there in my pocket (or my handbag) to educate or entertain me whenever I'm getting on with one of the humdrum tasks of life, or when I need some company. They're not like blog posts or YouTube videos where you have to sit down and watch. They just accompany me through the mundane parts of my day, like driving, doing the dishes, folding the washing or cooking the dinner.

I also love how intimate they make you feel with the podcast hosts. When you listen to a podcast you tend to listen to every word. You don't skim or scan the way you might do with a blog post. It makes me feel quite deeply connected with the people who host the podcasts that I listen to.

These are the reasons that I specifically wanted to start a podcast for parents. I'm a parent too and I know how busy life can be. Invariably, if I sit down to read a social media update or a blog post I get interrupted and may never get back to it. However, if I'm listening to a podcast, I just have to press pause and then I can resume listening later.

If you're not already a podcast convert I wanted to show you how other busy people had fitted them into their lives. So I asked some other small business owners, all of which are members of Janet Murray's Soulful PR Studio membership club, to tell me when they listen to podcasts and which podcasts they listen to. These will hopefully give you some ideas about how you can fit listening to The School Success Formula into your busy life.

What to do while you listen to podcasts


Beth Searle of besobaby.com says, “I always listen to podcasts when I run so I can forget about the fact that I'm running! I like to mix up useful and fun, so my favourites are Janet's Soulful PR podcast and My Dad Wrote A Porno.” 

“I love that when I go for a run I can choose a podcast to suit my mood. Sometimes it's business development, sometimes personal development and sometimes I need a good laugh (Scummy Mummies).” Karen Laing, a pilates instructor at Fit School, Essex.


“I mostly listen to podcasts on the way to work, great motivation to get cracking and make it a step closer to quitting the day job :)),” says Sian Price of Cooks Lane Herbs.

I always listen when I'm driving – it's 40minutes each way to my studio & after a while I realised I might as well use that useless time in the car for something productive!” Courtney Pipkin of The Selfish Startup Co.

“I listen when I'm running, but also, being based in rural Cornwall I tend to have longish drives to go and see my clients and friends, so it's perfect for those journeys.” Samantha Kirton of Dart PR.

“I listen to podcasts when I'm driving to clients. I have a particular journey of 30 mins each way so that one is the most opportunistic.” Mary Huckle, a personal trainer and pilates instructor.

“I listen on my commute or while washing up, mainly to Functional medicine/health podcasts (drkarafitzgerald, revolution health, fxmedicine podcast central, dr lo radio, evolution of medicine etc),” says Sandra Greenbank.

“I listen on train journeys – usually at 1 1/2 speed. I'd love to listen in the kitchen, but I only subscribe to podcasts that make me want to scribble notes of inspiration, and I'm nervous about using the kitchen knife instead of the pen!” Clare Josa, author of Dare To Dream Bigger & Mentor To Entrepreneurs & Passionate World-Changers.


“Driving 100% for me…to the extent that I'll make a longer trip to listen to it all (audio books included in that). I've always loved driving for it's meditative properties i.e. I can't do anything else, so it's the most concentrated learning opportunity I've found.” Emily Hodge, who supports cancer survivors to move forward from their experience and other people to live gentle lives.

” I listen on car journeys back from my parents. Any that I need to make notes of I head into the office to work on.” Natasha Mockett

Make Bread

Rhiannon Relfe of The Epsom Bakehouse says, “Always whilst prepping for bread making classes – the laptop gets propped up on a stool in the corner whilst I clean and check equipment and prepare doughs. It's great to have something to listen to (and learn from) during a fairly mundance but necessary task.”

Wait for children while they're doing sport / music lessons / some other hobby

Sarah Archer, a career coach specialising in career change and confidence building, says, “I listen to Janet's podcasts while I am sitting in the car waiting for my daughter while she has her cello lesson – the time flies and I always learn something!”

“While my daughter is at gymnastics. I sit in the car and listen every week,” says Kate Beavis, a vintage style expert.

“Whilst waiting for my children to finish their swimming training.” Raphaelle Cox, who helps small business owners create memorable brands.


Ali Ribchester makes children's clothes. She says, “I sew whilst listening to pod casts! Im enjoying Sara taskers Hashtag Authentic at the moment. She has such a gentle voice!”

Walking the dog

“Always when walking the dog so still feel I'm working!!” says Jane Gray who sells abstract oil paintings and neon signs at Art Rocks.

I listen while walking the dogs if I'm not with a friend (bit antisocial otherwise!) and on the school run drive when the children aren't in the car.” Cathy Wassell, social media manager at Socially Contented.

“I listen mostly whilst walking my dog or emptying/loading the dishwasher. I mostly listen to Janet's podcast and others related to gender diversity – a recent favourite was a series called Diversonomics produced by law firm Gowling WLG.” Sally Dhillon who helps parents relaunch their careers after a break and supports employers to engage better with working parents at Career Mums.

Pamper yourself

“I often listen when I'm in the bath or getting ready in the morning! (The only child-free peace available!) Multi -tasking at its best. It often sparks a good idea or two and gets my mind set in the zone for the day.” Lucy Griffin-Stiff who helps small business owners understand their brand and build a message that transforms their marketing at Starting Conversations.


“I always do some sort of house work, tidying up, putting groceries away etc.” says Ümit Işıl Şimşek a social media manager at Social Thyme.

” I listen whilst I'm doing housework, cooking or driving.” Clare Murthy, a family and small business photographer. 

” I often listen to podcasts when I'm chopping veg, washing up or folding laundry (rock n roll, eh?!). Favourite podcasts are Janet's (obviously!) and My Wife Quit Her Job”. Amanda Overend of Books and Pieces.


I download them to my waterproof mp3 and listen when I'm swimming lengths!” says jewellery artist Anna Campbell-Hall.


“I listen while I'm doing the cooking. I hate cooking, so it is a good way of making it more enjoyable/passing the time. I also listen to podcasts most mornings while I put my make up on,” says career coach, Fay Wallis.

“I listen while baking/cooking and driving if the kids aren't in the car to whinge at me…!” Jen Gale, ethical business coach.

“Preparing the family meal.” Aimee Leigh, a mindset and well-being coach for mum business owners.


“I tend to listen on my a morning walk or in bed – it feels cosy that way. I like podcasts because they feel as if the person is only talking to me – feels personal. My faves are Janet's spr, Seth Godin and Desert Island Discs (with the right guest).” Karen Blanchette, a freelance PR and comms specialist.

“Walking and household chores.” Susie Jones who creates personalised luxury jewellery to celebrate life's special moments at Mildred Jones.

” I listen to podcasts on long walks – while trying to do my 10,000 steps each day.” Jeremy Parkin.


” I listen whilst dog walking or having lunch.” Debbie Abraham, a dyslexia specialist.

How to listen to a podcast

By reading through all of the above you'll have got the impression that people consume podcasts on the go. This means that they're listening through an app on their phone. I use the podcast app on my iphone and there'll be an equivalent if you have a smartphone. I do this in three ways:

  • Just through the speakers on the phone while I'm doing household chores like sorting the washing or cooking
  • Using my iphone earbuds while I'm walking or running
  • Using an auxillary cable to plug my phone into the car stereo when I'm driving.

It's also possible to listen to podcasts through any computer that can browse the web – if you go to the website where the podcast is hosted. Or, you can listen and download episodes through iTunes.

The School Success Formula

Listen to The School Success Formula

Are you listening to The School Success Formula?

Now I've shown you how to listen to podcasts and what you can be getting on with there's no excuse not to listen to The School Success Formula, my brand new podcast. I created it for the parents for Secondary School students – particularly those in the exam years. Find all the episodes here or search for The School Success Formula in your podcast app.

In the comments, I'd love to know what you were doing when you listened to your first ever episode of The School Success Formula. The first time I listened to a podcast I was sewing and I listened to it through my laptop. When I got my first iphone I was away and listened whenever the chance arose!

Thanks for reading and happy listening!

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