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Help your child reach their full academic potential

Without the stress, nagging or worry

Do you want to do everything you can to support your child to get the grades they need and deserve? Download my free guide, 7 Tips to Help Your Child Reach Their Full Academic Potential, to get started.

Looking for 1:1 academic coaching for your child?  

I'm Lucy Parsons. I'm an academic coach. My team and I help:

  • Young people who want to do well reach their full potential in their exams and get into their first-choice university (without the stress, self-doubt or overwhelm)
  • Supportive parents who want their children's education to open up opportunities, but don't want to be too pushy or end up nagging and putting pressure on their children

Sound good? Read on...

Academic coaching

Academic coaching is the best-kept secret alternative to having one or more private tutors for your child. Most students who are struggling with their studies are struggling not just in one or two subjects (where a tutor can help) but have more fundamental issues such as not being motivated or not actually knowing how to study. This is where an academic coach can help.

Academic coaching will:

  • Help your child find their motivation for studying hard and doing well in their exams
  • Show them how to organise their notes, revision and time and give them accountability to keep them on track
  • Make sure they're revising in the most efficient and effective way for them to stop them wasting time and make sure they feel like they're always making progress

We have a variety of academic coaching packages you can choose from:

  • Six week academic coaching starter package
  • Monthly academic coaching calls to keep more highly motivated students on track throughout the academic year
  • Weekly academic coaching calls to give students more support and accountability

"My son's GCSE results were stunning. We know Lucy's advice and guidance have set him on the right path and shown him how to tackle even harder exams in the future."

Join The Extraordinaries Club

The Extraordinaries Club is an online hub containing my signature study skills programme that will help your child to achieve their grades in the best way for them. It gives you on demand access to a library of workshops and downloads that cover everything you need to study successfully. You also get personalised advice from me through weekly coaching calls and a members only Facebook group.

It works because your child develops a personalised study system tailored to the way they work, what motivates them and their ambitions.

And you no longer have to stress, nag or worry.

“I don’t know of anywhere else that can offer the kind of personalised support we have received from Lucy, the strategies and the encouragement. It has been a godsend”

Mother of a GCSE student, member of The Extraordinaries Club

Get my book

The Ten Step Guide to Acing Every Exam You Ever Take gives you a complete formula for getting the top grades every time. Starting with unlocking your motivation and fixing your exams mindset, the book guides you through a practical system that will reduce the overwhelm, banish procrastination, give your life balance and empower you to work towards your exams in a methodical and low-stress way.

"Helped my son achieve 10 level 9's... fabulous advice"

"A must read for Students"

"Packed full of useful strategies and sensible advice for parents and students"

The Ten Step Guide to Acing Every Exam You Ever Take

As seen in

How to write a UCAS personal statement

Does your child need help with writing their UCAS personal statement?

My Personal Statement Masterclass your child will be guided through the process of:

  • Choosing their subject, course and universities
  • Preparing an application that admissions tutors can't resist
  • Writing a high-quality UCAS personal statement
Personal Statement Masterclass workbook

"I bought Lucy's personal statement package for my son after he produced about 4 lines in as many weeks. With Lucy's help he produced a full statement which his tutor said was “excellent- one of the best he’d seen”!"

Parent of Year 13 Student

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