Welcome mums and dads!

You're here because you’ve got a bright and intelligent teenager. The only trouble is, you’re worried they’re wasting their talents because they lack confidence and don’t know how to study, you don’t know how to help them and neither of you know how to get them into a good university.

Well, you can stop worrying because I’m here to help.

Lucy Parsons

Hi! I'm Lucy. I'm a Cambridge graduate and qualified teacher with a passion for helping young people maximise their academic success!

I’m Lucy Parsons. I’m a Cambridge graduate, qualified teacher, straight-A student and former A-Level examiner who has a passion for helping 15-18 year olds reach their academic potential (and stop their parents worrying in the process). I started this business because I can reach more young people (and their parents) through the internet than by standing in a classroom in a school.

I know how it feels to have a big ambition but no clear idea how to achieve it. (I decided I wanted to go to Cambridge at the age of 9 – but my school didn’t send people to Cambridge and didn’t give us a clear idea of how to get the top grades). I worked it all out for myself, and in so doing, created a system for getting the top grades and into the best universities that works every time.

I love working with families like yours because I love seeing dreams fulfilled and young people reaching their potential.

My system will help you and your teenager put in place the organisational and motivational tools to achieve their very best in exams, without resorting to expensive tutoring. It will build your teenager's confidence in themselves and their abilities to manage their time and solve problems for themselves. It will also help you carve out the time to spend on the essential to-do list you need to get through to get into a good (or even world-class) university.

I work with families like yours through one-on-one academic mentoring. I also share my system for getting great grades every time in my book The Ten Step Guide to Acing Every Exam You Every Take.

Sign-up below to get access to some of my top tips on getting the top grades at school and into the top universities (these are things that everyone can do).

Sign up to get my top tips for academic success!

Your personal data will be treated with respect. View my privacy policy here.

When you sign-up you'll get a series of emails that introduce you, step-by-step to my approach to getting amazing exam grades every time, in the healthiest, most stress-free way possible.

Want to know more?

I was brought up on a sheep farm in Northamptonshire by parents who deeply valued education. I went to the village school and on to the local comprehensive school. I had a deep belief in my own intelligence and a burning ambition to go to Cambridge. The only problem was that my ‘bog-standard’ comprehensive didn’t recognise anything special in me and didn’t know how to help people go to Cambridge.

I put my head down, got to work and came up with a study system that earned me 5 straight A grades at A-Level. I also did all I could to win myself a place at the University of Cambridge.

My system is based on time-management and motivational and problem-solving strategies that will give your teenager the inner tools and resources to not only get the grades but come up with solutions to difficulties they face along the way. It's a cost effective and long-term way to help them maximise their potential, during their education and beyond.

3 Steps to Academic Achievement (1)

Newnham College graduation

Me on my graduation day in the gardens of my college, Newnham, in Cambridge

After three years at Cambridge (where I was elected Treasurer of The Cambridge Union, the world-famous debating society) I was head-hunted for my first job in the corporate world. Three years later I knew that the corporate life didn’t chime with my personal values and beliefs. So, I set off to see the world. My travels re-engaged me with geography, the subject I had loved at university, so applied to do my teacher training (again at Cambridge).

After four years in the classroom at two different comprehensive schools my husband and I started our own family and moved back to the village where I grew up. I knew I wanted to continue to help young people achieve their potential but wanted to be present for my own young family. My business, Life More Extraordinary, was born.

Through my business I want to help young people reach their full educational potential and access some of the extraordinary life opportunities I’ve had myself (meeting extraordinary people like cabinet ministers, law-lords, fashion designers and celebrities at the Cambridge Union and being head-hunted for my first job).



Let me start helping you achieve these opportunities for your child by signing up here:

Sign up to get my top tips for academic success!

Your personal data will be treated with respect. View my privacy policy here.

When you sign-up you'll get a series of emails that introduce you, step-by-step to my approach to getting amazing exam grades every time, in the healthiest, most stress-free way possible.

Where next?

Want to dive in further straight away?

Check out my book

Cover - 300pxThe Ten Step Guide to Acing Every Exam You Ever Take is your introduction to how to set the right time-management, motivation and self-reflection systems in place to achieve A-mazing exam results evey time.

Learn more about it here…

Talk to me

Book a 15 minutes ‘Study Break' with me for either you or your child. Over Skype or the phone we will trouble-shoot one very specific area of your child's academic life. And, the best thing – it's free!

Book your 15 Minute Study Break now.

Read my best blog posts

Every Monday I publish a blog post jam-packed full of valuable tips on how to achieve Exam Success or How to Get into University.

Dive in and read my blog.

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