(Workshop Replay) From Ordinary to Extraordinary: How to maximise your exam results, even if you're not a genius

Many, many thanks for signing up to watch this workshop. It was great fun to put together and wonderful to be able to answer questions live. On this page I've included the replay, the download and links to the resources I mentioned in the video. If you have questions or comments leave them at the bottom of the page.

Video Replay

Start viewing at 2:55 so you don't have to listen to the waffle at the beginning!


Just click on this link to access the download. You'll need to print it off before you watch the replay.

A-Level Mindset workshop

Martin and his book

You can buy or pre-order Martin's book The A-Level Mindset on Amazon: Click here to order.

(This is an affiliate link – if you buy the book by clicking on the link I will get a teeny-tiny amount of money).

Follow Martin on Twitter @alevelmindset

The A-Level Mindset Website: http://www.alevelmindset.com/

Flow diagram that Martin talked about

Blog posts mentioned in the Workshop

The Weekly Routine of a Straight A Student (with 8 steps to create your own)

7 Smart Strategies to Turn Distractions into Incentives and Get Your Revision Done

7 Powerful Mini Study Habits to Supercharge Your Grades

Mapping your path to exam success: planning purposeful revision breaks along the way

Revision Planning Kickstarter

At the time of writing nearly 500 students have signed up for this five day programme to get your revision kickstarted. This is what you'll learn:

  • How to turn your boring old exam syllabus into a magic tool for creating a revision plan tailor-made for you
  • How to avoid burnout by planning revision around your own personal needs
  • How to set in place a fail-safe method to stop family and friends being a massive revision distraction and turn them into an invaluable resource to keep you on track

When you sign-up you'll get 5 days of emails with step-by-step instructions on how to create a revision plan that's highly personalised to you. There will also be some follow-up emails to keep you going and motivated once you've got your revision plan in place.

Sign-up in the box below.

Join the Revision Planning Kickstarter today

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Check out my book

The Ten Step Guide to Acing Every Exam You Ever Take  outlines the process I used to get 5 A Grades at A-Level. It takes you through each step showing you how to adapt the process to your own needs. Click here to learn more about it.

Make sure we're connected!

Like my facebook page: Life More Extraordinary on facebook

Follow me on Twitter @LucyCParsons

Thank you so much for watching! I really appreciate you giving your time. I hope that it helps you!

Please leave your comments and questions below. I'll be sure to reply.


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