Win help with writing your personal statement for university! (Watch the video and enter)

Are you applying to university this autumn?


Then you'll know you have to write a personal statement as part of your UCAS application.

The trouble is, if you're like many of my other readers, you're finding this both stressful and difficult.

Many of my readers have come to me with questions like:

  • Where do I start?
  • How do I write a captivating opening sentence?
  • How do I write about all the futher reading I've done without just listing a whole load of books?
  • How do I do myself justice without sounding big-headed?
  • How do you choose what to put in and what to leave out?
  • How much and what should you write about your extra-curricular activities?

It was very clear to me that there was a lot of anxiety and stress about writing these 4,000 characters. So, I've come to the rescue!

On 9th September I will be launching my new guide 3 Easy Steps to a Killer Personal Statement.

Can you tell me more please?!

Yes, I can!

3 Easy Steps to a Killer Personal Statement

Front cover

3 Easy Steps to a Killer Personal Statement is a framework I've created to take you from blank piece of paper to finished personal statement without the stress or anxiety.

It is based on hours of research, puts into place all my teaching know-how (I trained to teach at Cambridge University and spent four years teaching in secondary schools), listening to what my readers needed as well as my own personal experience of writing a personal statement and being offered places at all the universities I applied to.

When you buy you will receive a PDF download. You will save it to your computer and print it out. The download consists of worksheets split into three sections with instructional videos that you watch before you fill in each sheet (the videos are linked to from the digital copy of the PDF).

The three steps are:

  1. Getting your head together (basically a guided brain dump of everything you could write about in your personal statement, split into bite-sized sections)
  2. Organizing your personal statement (sorting your brain dump into a structure and prioritising what you want to write about)
  3. Writing your personal statement (crafting your first line, your opening paragraph and writing a statement that flows. Also, how to edit and redraft)

The longest video is 6:09 seconds long but most are three minutes or less.

Testimonial 3 Easy Steps to a Killer Personal StatementThis is what one of my testers said about 3 Easy Steps to a Killer Personal Statement:

“Before working through this guide I was having the most trouble with showing my passion for the subject I want to study and also how to condense everything I've done into the most important parts needed. This guide has allowed me to show passion through relating different things I've done such as topic areas or courses/visits which I didn't think of myself. It also meant that I have organised everything I could possibly write and condensed it to one very important point per section which makes it so much easier to plan! I think using this guide will mean I won't have to do as many redrafts as I know what I need to write. 

My favourite thing was the videos, as usually when organising a personal statement it's all pen to paper, whereas the videos gave guidance and also broke up the time a bit to make it more manageable.

This guide really has helped me to control my stress which has been high! Thank you for making it more manageable and really helping to start to impress universities!” Sophie Richardson, 17, South Shields, UK.


3 Easy Steps to a Killer Personal Statement will be available to buy from 9th September.

But, I'm offering one lucky person the chance to win a copy!

Watch the Video to find out how to enter.

Win help writing your personal statement for university

How to enter

To enter you need to do two things.

1. Share this blog post on Facebook

To do this:

  1. Copy and paste the url for this blog post into a new facebook status.
  2. In the facebook status write 1) what you're finding difficult about writing your personal statement and 2) why you want to win
  3. Include #killerpersonalstatement in your status.
  4. Make sure you share this post publicly or I won't be able to see it and I won't be able to give you the prize!
  5. For bonus points tag friends who are also applying to university in your status update

2. Sign-up to my free webinar

In this sign-up box sign-up to the free webinar I'm holding on Wednesday 9th September at 9pm. I will be announcing the winner of the free copy of 3 Easy Steps to a Killer Personal Statement during the webinar. I will also be giving you lots of free information about how to write a personal statement, answering all your questions about personal statements and giving you a sneak peak inside 3 Easy Steps to a Killer Personal Statement.

Sign up here for the Free webinar

And if you're feeling extra nice…

Tweet this:

I'm writing a #killerpersonalstatement. You can too Share on X

Or this:

Want to write a #killerpersonalstatement? Enter to get free help here Share on X

Or this:

I can't believe @LucyCParsons is giving away free help to write a #killerpersonalstatement. Check it out Share on X

Entries close at 10am on Wednesday 9th September.

How I'll choose the winner

Just to be totally transparent I want you to understand how I'll choose the winner.

At 10am on 9th September I will sit down at my computer.

I will first look at how many people have signed up for the webinar. I will then ask a random number generator to give me a number between 1 and the total number of people signed up. I will choose the person who is this number on my email list.

I will then go to facebook and search for #killerpersonalstatement.

I will find whether the person I've chosen has shared this post on facebook and followed all my instructions. If they have – they are the winner. If they haven't, I'll start again!

Good luck and see you soon!

I can't wait to see you on the webinar, answer all your personal statement questions and announce the luck winner of this giveaway!

In the meantime, if you have questions about how to write your personal statement leave them in the comments below. I'll be sure to answer all the questions left in the comments during the webinar.

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