Exam Mindset: The Smart Decision the Most Successful Students Make

Exam mindset is enormously important for getting the top grades. Developing a positive exam mindset that helps you get the top grades starts with one smart decision: deciding to succeed.

When I was at school, aiming to get a place at Cambridge University, getting anything less than straight As simple wasn't an option in my mind. I had made the decision that I would get 5 A Grades at A-Level and did everything in my power to achieve it.

exam mindsetOn results day I found out that I had succeeded. But, I kind of knew I would because I'd made the decision to succeed and tracked and monitored everything even up to counting the marks I'd earned at the end of every exam. I knew my grades before the examiners did.

Do you believe that failure is an option?

exam mindsetThere are certain phrases and words that go around inside the heads and come out of the mouths of people who think failure is an option. The other day I was reading the book Push by Chalene Johnson and found this quote:

‘”What if,” “just in case,” and “I'll try” are what you say when you believe failure is an option.' Chalene Johnson, Push

You need to stop considering failure as an option. 

While you're giving words like these your mental space you're not making room for the mindset of exam success.

Exam Mindset Step1: Make your decision

exam mindsetAs Chalene Johnson said in her book:

‘From this day forward, success is your only option. It's the only choice you have.'








'From this day forward, success is your only option. It's the only choice you have.' @ChaleneJohnson Share on X

So stop wasting time considering failure and make your decision to succeed TODAY!

exam mindsetGetting the best exam grades possible for you depends on you just getting on with the business of getting the grades.

‘This whole thing hinges on your decision to do… not to try.'






'This whole thing hinges on your decision to do... not to try.' @ChaleneJohnson Share on X

By the time you've finished reading this blog post I want you to have made the decision to succeed.

You also need to make the positive decision to remove all negative thoughts from your head and stop giving space to the fear of failure.

Exam Mindset Step 2: Make it happen

Once you've decided to succeed you need to find out how to make it happen.

First make sure you've set your exam target grades.

Then, check out my tips and how-tos for exam success.

Finally, get your hands on the step-by-step system I used to get 5 A Grades at A-Level, all nicely packaged in my book The Ten Step Guide to Acing Every Exam You Ever Take.

Are you finding it difficult to make this smart decision?

For some, making the smart decision to succeed will be much easier than for others. If you're struggling, you're not alone. You just need a little extra help.

For those struggling often the problem is a lack of focus and knowledge about what you want to do with these grades. You lack the determination because you don't know what you're working towards in life. If this sounds like you, you're the perfect fit a for a Get Motivated! session. Click

“Since the Get Motivated session I have the motivation to work hard to get the grades I would like. The session made me think about the bigger picture; where I hope to be in the future so that I realise it’s uber important to work hard now!” Molly, GCSE student, Bath.

Click here to find out more about these sessions and book yours today!

Have you made your decision?

I'd love to know that you've made your decision to succeed to your exams this year. Leave a comment below telling me that you've made your decision. If you're struggling, tell me in your comment why it's difficult for you to make this decision. I'll reply with all the help I can give!

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