[33] Make your children love science through ‘wow’ moments with Dr Matt Pritchard


Our guest today is Dr Matt Pritchard. He is a science magician and Curator of Wonder. His amazing performances both inspire and inform. Matt loves being creative and is passionate about simplifying the complex.

As an independent science communicator he performs to over 50,000 people a year and works with organisations like The Royal Institution, British Science Association, The Big Bang fairs, and the Science Museum Group. Previously Matt conducted atomic physics research at Durham University, where he won the Institute of Physics' Postgraduate lecturer award. He subsequently went on to work within the Education department at Thinktank Science Museum, Birmingham.

In addition to this experience, he has spent the last 18 years working as a professional magician and is an Associate of the Inner Magic Circle – one of only 300 people in the world to hold this distinction.

What you can expect to hear

How Matt separates the ‘how’ from the ‘wow’ when studying

How parents and students can maintain their sense of awe and wonder for what they’re learning when they’re studying hard for exams

The importance of brain breaks

Tips on how to maintain motivation and thirst for knowledge

Advice for students studying physics and maths

Resources mentioned in the show

Matt's free ebook with mysterious science experiments you can do at home

Matt's TEDx talk: The Quantum State of Wonder

Alex Bellos's books:

There are lots of other books written by Alex Bellos available.

Growth Mindset: The Power of Not Yet – from Lucy's blog

Where you can find Matt online

Website: www.sciencemagicshows.co.uk

Twitter: @sciencemagician

Over to you…

I hope you've found this episode of The School Success Formula useful. If you've got any questions or comments I'd love to hear them in the comments section below, in my Facebook group for parents, or on Twitter (you'll find me @LucyCParsons).

February half-term revision kickstarter workshop

Sign your child up for this revision planning workshop that will get them set up with:

  • A personalised revision plan for rapid progress over half-term
  • A clear understanding of the revision techniques that will work for them
  • Some sure-fire strategies to keep the revision going once they've gone back to school after the holiday

Find out more and sign-up

Useful links

My book, The Ten Step Guide to Acing Every Exam You Ever Take.

Ten Steps to Exam Success download.

Supportive Parents, Successful Students facebook group

Lucy on twitter: @LucyCParsons

Contact Lucy by email: lucy@lifemoreextraordinary.com

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