The Best Twitter Accounts and Hashtags to Help you Improve Your Grades


The best twitter accounts and hashtags to help you to improve your gradesYou must know by now that you should be reading around your subject/s for two very good reasons:

  1. It will help you get into university and is a great thing to write about in your UCAS personal statement
  2. It will help you get better grades because you'll have a deeper and broader understanding of the subjects that you're studying. (There's a whole chapter on this in my book, The Ten Step Guide to Acing Every Exam You Ever Take).

You don't necessarily have to be reading long and scholarly tomes for further reading  for it to count and be very helpful to you. In fact, reading news articles, reports and blog posts is just as valid as reading books for many subjects.

But where do you go to find these useful, timely articles that are keeping you bang up-to-date with developments in your subject?

Well, there's a rather fabulous community of teachers who everyday tweet out articles for their students to enrich and deepen their learning.

Because twitter is a public platform you can benefit from the actions of these benevolent teachers – as they curate subject specific content for you to read. Even if your actual subject teacher in school doesn't have a twitter account.

I've done my research and listed some subject specific hashtags and accounts for you to follow for many subjects. However, I see this post as a collaborative work in progress so if you find a great one that everyone should know about please, please, please come and leave a comment at the bottom of this post to let me know about it. You could also tweet me @LucyCParsons but they're more likely to get included if you put them in the comments here (because they're in the right place for me to see them when I periodically update this post, rather than buried way down in my twitter notifications).

Subject Specific Twitter Hashtags to Give Your Further Reading the Edge


Accounts: @MrBruffEnglish@Mrs_SPaG@mini_lectures

The Best Twitter Accounts and Hashtags to Help you Improve Your Grades Share on X



Accounts: @Corbettmaths@UndergroundMath

Follow @Corbettmaths and @UndergroundMath to help you with your maths #GCSE and #ALevel Share on X



Accounts: Sorry, can't find anyone actively tweeting resources for physics students! If you knwo someone, let me know in the comments.



Accounts: @gaftri @ChemistryALevel



Accounts: @Primrose_Kitten@tjamesScience



Accounts: @CLFSGeog@RobGeog@StIvoGeography@ahageog

Follow @CLFSGeog, @RobGeog, @StIvoGeography to help you with your #Geography #GCSE and #ALevel Share on X



Accounts: @russeltarr@MrAllsopHistory@Jivespin@historychappy@FlippingHistory@NickShepley

Follow @russeltarr, @MrAllsopHistory, @Jivespin, @historychappy, @FlippingHistory to help you with #History #GCSE and #ALevel Share on X


Hashtags: #psychology

Accounts: @psysocatsheldon@SHCPsych@OxfordEdPsych@teach_soc_psych@psychexamhelp@mistershankly75@SajDevshi

Follow @psysocatsheldon, @SHCPsych, @OxfordEdPsych, @teach_soc_psych to help you with #Psychology #GCSE and #ALevel Share on X




Accounts: @shortcutstv_cjl@KaurSociology@BrowneKen@teach_soc_psych@SocEdChat@OCR_Sociology@SouthwoldsSoc@YavnehSociology,  @parksociology@Sociology_BA@Sociochamps@piggology@DrCVaccaro@russellhaggar1@TwySoc@stephenjoel1892@mistershankly75@precookedsoc

Follow @shortcutstv_cjl, @KaurSociology, @BrowneKen, @teach_soc_psych, @psychexamhelp to help you with #Sociology #GCSE and #ALevel Share on X

Economics and Business Studies


Accounts: @Writer_Business@SchoeyEconomics@braggonomics@highstorrsecon

Follow @Writer_Business, @SchoeyEconomics, @braggonomics to help you with #Economics #BusinessStudies #GCSE & #ALevel Share on X



Accounts: @BeatGoesOnUK


Hashtags: #Law01 #Law02 #Law03 #Law04

Accounts: @gatewaylaw @Independent @guardian @GdnLawEvents @SkyNews @BBCNews @KGVLaw @glyn_law @MrRobinsonND @law_mentor @A2LAWNUL

Study Skills


Accounts: Me (I had to get that in there somewhere didn't I ;)) @LucyCParsons@easyhelp16@theexamcoach_tv@uber_tutors @alevelmindset

The Best Twitter Accounts and Hashtags to Help you Improve Your Grades Share on X

Philosophy and Ethics


Accounts: @S6FPhilosophy

Twitter Lists

Twitter lists are collections of accounts any user can put together to group tweeters by interest. I have loads of twitter lists but there are two you might be particularly interested in subscribing to:

Click on the links and subscribe to the lists so you can check them out every now and again to find useful and interesting resources.

Over to you…

Do you know of any other twitter accounts or subject specific hashtags that should definitely be included in this post? Leave a comment below letting me know about them and I'll periodically update this post to include them.

Please share this post to spread the twitter-love and so that we find out more of the hidden gems to help everyone do better in their studies!


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