How to find past papers, mark schemes and exam specifications online

When you're studying for your GCSEs or A-Levels your exam specifications, past papers and mark schemes are crucial to your success. Today I'm going to show you, quickly and easily, how to find past papers, mark schemes and exam specifications online.

How to find past papers

Why would you want to find your boring old exam specification?

Good question. Well, your exam specification tells you exactly what you need to know for your exam. You don't need to know any more or any less than is listed on the specification.

You can use the list of things you need to know from your specification as a guide for what you need to revise. You can also work out your strengths and weaknesses and therefore which areas you need to focus on the most.

What about the past papers and mark schemes?

When you've revised the content for your exam you need to practice it writing it down in the way that examiners want to see it.

Using the past papers from the exam board's website is a great place to start. You then use their mark schemes to mark your answers. This gives you a really good insight into how examiners think and therefore how to show them what they're looking for when they're marking your work.

How to find past papers, mark schemes and exam specifications online

Watch the video to find out.

What happens if I run out of past papers?

If you run out of past papers you need to make up some questions of your own. By the time you get to this stage you should understand the way your examiners think so well that this won't be a problem.

I give you step-by-step instructions on how to do this in this blog post: How to perfect your exam technique to make your grades shine.

The Revision Planning Kickstarter

In the video I mentioned the Revision Planning Kickstarter. You can join it by putting your name and email in this sign-up form:

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Need more exam help?

Take a look at my Exam Success page. Alternatively, take the short cut and get a copy of my book The Ten Step Guide to Acing Every Exam You Ever Take. It takes you through the steps I took to get 5 A Grades at A-level showing you how to make them work for you.

Any questions?

If you've got a question about how to find past papers, mark schemes and exam specifications online then just leave it in the comments below.


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