Hare or Tortoise? How to get ahead with your grades by plodding along behind

Hare or Tortoise- How to get ahead with your grades by plodding along behind

Are you a hare or a tortoise when it comes to your studies?

I'll tell you why I ask… It's becasue tortoises tend to win in the end.

It's the people who work steadily all year long – starting the school year in the right way, doing the same amount of work week-in and week-out, always handing their homework in on time, taking the time to develop good study habits (like reading their class notes through at the end of each day) who get to exam season feeling confident and well-prepared.

These aren't the people who email me in a mad panic after the Easter holidays because they haven't started their revision yet and don't know where to start. These aren't the people who are having anxiety attacks when they go into the exam hall.

These are the people who feel quietly confident as they go through the whole school year.

They are the people who when they find something difficult they re-double their efforts and do the hard work to understand.

These are the people who actually quite look forward to exams as it's their chance to show off what they know to their audience of one, the examiner.

These people make it look easy, but I can promise you they rarely find it easy. They're working hard, all the time, but because they've found their work rhythm, they know what they want and they're focused on their end results you don't hear them complaining or stressing.

These are the tortoises and they are usually the winners when it comes to results day.

Tortoises tend to win in the end. Are you a hare or a tortoise? Share on X

Are you a hare or a tortoise? Leave me a comment below to let me know.

Are you struggling to develop your study rhythm and the focus, belief and determination that it takes to succeed in your GCSEs or A-Levels? If so, I can help. Check out my Work With Me page to find out how.

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