[30] The power of quality research and school libraries with Elizabeth Hutchinson

researchIn this world of information-overload and ‘fake news’, the value of researching valuable information is a pressing skill for young people today; Librarians have the skills to teach children how to find such information. On today’s show, The School Success Formula meets with Elizabeth Hutchinson, and explores her goal in helping people find quality information – online and offline.

Tight budget cuts and limited knowledge of what librarians do is a challenge for public and school libraries in the UK today. We learn how librarians are instrumental to a child’s education, and how it proves to be a rewarding career.

About Elizabeth Hutchinson

Elizabeth started her librarianship career at the age of 16 when she ‘gave it a go’ on placement. She’s now a Chartered Librarian, and holds a degree in librarianship and a masters. She is the Head of Schools' Library Service in Guernsey, living with her husband and four children. She was delighted to be shortlisted and come runner up for the LILAC information literacy award in 2016. She has presented at conferences internationally and enjoys writing about the importance of school librarians.

Elizabeth’s main area of interest is Information Literacy, and how it can support the school curriculum.

What you can expect to hear on the podcast

What is Information Literacy

Making libraries accessible to all

Content curation

Budget cuts and supporting school libraries

Advice to students wanting to pursue a career in librarianship

The effects of Google

Public libraries vs school libraries

Getting your child to enjoy reading

Asking the school library for certain books or resources

How libraries support work of authors

Useful Links

Britannica Online
Registering for author’s scheme

Where you can find Elizabeth online

Elizabeth’s blog

Book giveaway winners

Thank you to everyone who left a review for the podcast to celebrate the podcast’s six month anniversary. The winners of a free signed copy of my book, The Ten Step Guide to Acing Every Exam You Ever Take are:

Rachael Lamb

Please email me to let me know your name and address so that I can send you your free, signed copy. My email address is lucy@lifemoreextraordinary.com

Free, live class: A Step by Step Guide to Getting the Top Grades

If you’re listening to this on the day of publication, you might want to sign-up for my free online class called A Step by Step Guide to Getting the Top Grades. This webinar is aimed at both parents and students and it would be fantastic if you could sign-up and come along together.

Click here to sign-up.

Useful links

My book, The Ten Step Guide to Acing Every Exam You Ever Take.

Ten Steps to Exam Success download.

Supportive Parents, Successful Students facebook group

Lucy on twitter: @LucyCParsons

Contact Lucy by email: lucy@lifemoreextraordinary.com

If you’d like to suggest yourself as a guest for the podcast, please complete this form.

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