How to stop worrying and be productive

How to stop worrying and be productiveThere's something nagging in your mind. It distracts you all day long. You can't get to sleep at night. You can't help but talk about it with your friends and family.

You're worrying.

It's sucking your energy out. You feel like you're living on your nerves. You're even concerned that you're becoming boring to be around.

You've got to stop worrying.

Two types of worrying

There are two types of worrying.

There's the type where you're worrying about something you have the power to change.

Then there's the type where you literally can't do anything.

The first type is kind of acceptable. Except, you can turn that type of worry into something productive and helpful to you.

For example, you could be worrying about whether you've got the right experience to get your dream job. What you've got to do is channel this worry into getting the right experience, rather than worrying about it.

The second type is a total waste of time.

This is like when you've finished taking your exams. It's weeks until results come out. But, you spend all day every day (and all night too) worrying about what your results are going to be.

The time when you could have had a positive impact on this has passed. It's important, but you can't change it. So you have to channel the energy you're pouring into worry into something more productive.

How to stop worrying and be productive

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7 Simple steps to stop worrying and be more productiveThe answer to the ‘how do I stop worrying question' is – get busy. The best kinds of being busy for stopping worry are the types that fully consume your mind. Here are some examples:

  1. Learn a new skill e.g. juggling, crochet, knitting, hula-hooping, video-editing. Engaging your mind in something new that requires true concentration will always distract you from your worries. There are added benefits too – you've got a new skill to add to your repertoire.
  2. Exercise – get the endorphins flowing to help you think happy thoughts. Exercise is great for thinking through thorny issues to try and find the solution, but it's also great for finding some perspective of just washing your mind clean of anxious thoughts. Go for a run, play tennis in the park, swim multiple lengths of the pool or do some circuits. I promise you'll feel better mentally, and if you keep it up, you'll be a fitter, better version of you.
  3. Meditate to learn to live in the present. I've recently been trying to meditate on a regular basis. Loads of really successful people do it. I find it really effective when I'm transitioning from one zone of my life to another, particularly when I'm a bit tired. For example, when I've been at the computer all day I take a few minutes to meditate before I go and collect my children from school. It re-energises me and wipes my mind clean of the thoughts I've been having all day. It enables me to be more present. So, find a meditation on YouTube and start practicing living in the present, rather than worrying about the future.
  4. Find something useful to do – find something that needs to be done and do it. Does the grass need to be mown? Does some paintwork need touching up? Does a cupboard need to be cleared out? Find something useful to do and get on with it.
  5. Get out there in the world – get yourself some work experience, volunteer or get a paid job. They'll all keep you busy and build up your CV at the same time.
  6. Read – enjoy yourself and educate yourself at the same time. Find a good book and absorb it. This will keep your mind off your worries (so long as the book's good enough). Even better, join The Summer Reading Challenge.
  7. Watch the news – this will really put your troubles in perspective. If you see someone somewhere in the world dealing with a flood, or an economic crisis or being turned out of their country as a refugee your worries will seem insignificant straight away.
Don't worry, be happy. How to stop worrying and be productive. Share on X

How do you stop worrying?

How do you stop yourself from worrying? I'd love to know. Leave a comment below and inspire others to stop their worries.

Do you need help to stop worrying about your exams?

Inside The Extraordinaries Club I've created a raft of resources to help you prepare for your exams in the right way for you – so that you spend way less time worrying and much more time doing what's going to make a difference.

Inside the club I will teach you:

  • How to plan your time, stop procrastinating and remove distractions so that you're actually working towards your goals rather than worrying about them
  • How to get on top of your mindset so that it's actually helping you to achieve your very best
  • How to improve your revision planning and techniques so that they're truly working for you to help you get the top grades
  • You will also get personalised help and support from me on the weekly coaching calls and in the exclusive club forum
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