[8] Laughter is the Best Medicine with Katie Rose White

Laughter is the best medicineDo you ever feel like life is just a bit too serious? I know I do. What with so much pressure to do well at school, so many exams and the pressures of constantly being attached to social media (as well as all the usual angsty teen stuff) life for teens is harder than I think it’s ever been before. I know I feel like this and my coaching clients have also been known to say to me ‘I just feel like there isn’t enough fun or laughter in my life!’

That’s why I’ve invited Katie Rose White onto The School Success Formula today. She runs laughter workshops where she shows people how to lighten their mood and reduce stress through real or fake laughter.

What Katie and I discuss on the show

Katie tells us all how she came to be teaching the world to laugh.

We discuss the importance of play in everyone’s lives.

How to force yourself to laugh to trick your body into releasing the endorphins that will reduce your stress.

How to trick your body from panic or anxiety to excitement through reframing your emotions.

What are the mental and physical health benefits of laughing?

What can my listeners do to bring more laughter into their own lives and the lives of the people around them?

How can we fit a little bit of play into our everyday lives for some light relief from the more serious things we’re trying to achieve.

How to diffuse a panic attack or meltdown using laughter.

Where to find out more about Katie Rose White

Katie's Website: The Best Medicine

Katie's Facebook Page

Useful links from this episode

Essentialism – book by Greg McKeown

Other useful links

My book, The Ten Step Guide to Acing Every Exam You Ever Take.

Ten Steps to Exam Success download.

Supportive Parents, Successful Students facebook group

Lucy on twitter: @LucyCParsons

Contact Lucy by email: lucy@lifemoreextraordinary.com

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