[7] Resilience, Wellbeing and Success with Elizabeth Wright and Frederika Roberts

Resilience, Wellbeing and Success (RWS) with Elizabeth Wright and Frederika Roberts | Get inspired to achieve your dreams with this heartfelt interview. Elizabeth is a paralympian with 3 medals to her name and Frederika has nurtured two children with heart conditions to their late teenage years. Click through to listen. #parenting #resilience #goalsetting

In this episode of The School Success Formula I interview not one, but two incredible guests, Frederika Roberts and Elizabeth Wright of RWS.

Our first guest, Frederika Roberts, based on her experience as the mother of children with severe heart conditions, left a successful recruitment career to become a happiness and resilience speaker, author and Laughter Yoga Leader. She has been interviewed on BBC Breakfast, ITV Calendar News, BBC and other radio stations all over the UK, and featured and quoted in various publications, including The Guardian. She is also a Huffington Post blogger and author of the book ‘Recipe for Happiness’. She is studying towards an MSc in Applied Positive Psychology at Anglia Ruskin University.

Our second guest, Elizabeth Wright, represented Australia at two Paralympic Games and won three Paralympic medals. She is now an inspirational speaker and author of ‘Ditch the arm, keep the leg’ and has written for The Guardian, Huffington Post UK, and ‘Innovate My School’ blog. She has also been interviewed on TV and radio. She is studying towards an MA in Character Education at the University of Birmingham’s Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues.

Our guests work together on RWS (Resilience, Wellbeing, Success) which is a character education programme. Their mission is to improve the resilience and wellbeing of pupils so that they can achieve success in all areas of their lives, and to create change in education to make wellbeing and mental health a priority.

 What we covered in this episode

  • Frederika and Elizabeth share their stories – both of which are incredible and inspiring in equal measure.
  • We talk about happiness and how to maintain an underlying level of it even when times are tough.
  • We discuss how to apply the things that Frederika and Elizabeth have experienced in their extraordinary lives to more ordinary lives in times of stress, particularly when teenagers are studying for their GCSEs or A Levels.
  • We talk about the WOOP model and how students can use it to anticipate obstacles and surmount them when they occur.
  • We talk about the importance of gratitude and making the most of each and every moment.
  • We talk about how to maintain emotional physical well-being and how instrumental they both are in achieving your goals.
  • Frederika gives us a useful breathing exercise to calm us down when we’re experiencing moments of extreme stress or anxiety, such as in an exam situation.

Where to find out more about Frederika, Elizabeth and their company, RWS

Frederika and Elizabeth's RWS Website

Frederika and Elizabeth on Facebook

Frederika and Elizabeth on Twitter: @RWSuccess

Watch Frederika and Elizabeth on Youtube

Useful links from this episode

What to do when you’re bored of revision blog post

What to do in revision breaks blog post

30 Active Ways to spend your revision breaks (and boost your grades) blog post

Frederika and Elizabeth’s books

‘Recipe for Happiness' – available as Kindle or Paperback on Amazon

‘Ditch the Arm, Keep the Leg' – available as Paperback from Elizabeth Wright

Other links we mentioned

 Shawn Achor's TED talk

Shawn Achor's book: The Happiness Advantage

Gabrielle Oettingen – Woop

Barbara Fredrickson – Broaden & Build theory of positive emotions

VIA Character institute (this page includes a parents' guide)

Useful links

My book: The Ten Step Guide to Acing Every Exam You Ever Take.

Ten Steps to Exam Success download.

Supportive Parents, Successful Students facebook group

Lucy on twitter: @LucyCParsons

Contact Lucy by email: lucy@lifemoreextraordinary.com

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