Why 500 readers have already signed up for this revision kickstarter program

revision planning kickstarter

Revision can be a pain in the bum if you let it.

However, there is a way to make it efficient, focused and effective. I can show you how.

It's called the 5 Day Revision Kickstarter Challenge

Last year I launched this challenge in exam season and, to this date, about 500 people have signed up for it.

Today, I'm going to tell you why.

Why 500 readers have already signed up for this revision kickstarter challenge

1. Your teachers are nagging at you

Probably ever since Christmas your teachers have been nagging on at you to start revising. You know you should but somehow haven't found the get-up-and-go. This challenge will do that for you!

2. You know you're supposed to make a revision plan but don't know how

Not only are teachers telling you to revise, but they're telling you to plan your revision. You have no idea where to start with a plan. This challenge breaks down exactly how to make a plan.

3. You don't trust yourself to stick to a plan if you do make one

“What's the point in wasting a whole load of time making a revision plan if you don't stick to it?”

That's your excuse, right?! Well, this challenge shows you how to make a plan that is personalised to your life and your revision needs.

4. “Syllabus? Sillibus!”

You see your exam syllabus as a boring impenetrable document that's for your teachers to turn into plain English. In the challenge I show you how to transform it into a magical document that targets you revision to precisely what you need to know.

5. The power of people

You know your annoying little brother and how he stops you concentrating? Or, how your mum looks at you anxiously when you take a study break because she's worried you're not working hard enough? Well, the challenge tells you how to get these people on board with your revision goals, enlisting them onto your team. There's strength in numbers.

There are also many other reasons why people have signed up for this challenge in the past. If you were one of them share what you got out of it in the comments below.

This is what Alyx said last year:

“I just wanted to say thank you for spending your time doing this. It’s literally the most helpful revision tool I’ve come across.” 

What happens when you sign-up for the Revision Planning Kickstarter?

When you sign-up for the revision planning kickstarter you'll get a welcome email with the first action you need to take. You'll then get 5 days of emails in a row telling you what to do to build a revision plan that works for you.

However, I don't just leave you to it after the five days. I send you a few more emails with helpful resources to keep you on track with your revision. It's improved for this year!

Sign-up today!

Sign-up in the box below today, or read more about the Revision Planning Kickstarter program.

Join the Revision Planning Kickstarter today

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More resources for Exam Success!

If this isn't enough to keep you going, check out my Exam Success resources page. There are loads of helpful articles about revision and exams for you to dive into right away.

Question: what's your most helpful revision tip? Share it in the comments below.


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