The Weekly Routine of a Straight A Student (with 8 steps to create your own)

straight A studentI think I understand you. You're reading this because you're ambitious for your future. You're reading this because you want the best grades. And, you're reading this because you're willing to do whatever it takes to fulfill your ambitions and get those grades.

Today, I'm going to share with you the biggest thing that helped me to become a Grade A student. It wasn't having a brain the size of an elephant or going to a really expensive private school. It wasn't even having amazing teachers (many of them weren't up to much, I'm sad to say).

It was my weekly routine – combined with the self-discipline and determination to stick to it.

So, what does the weekly routine of a straight A student look like? Watch this video to learn more:

The weekly routine of a straight A student

I'm going to show you how to create a weekly routine that will make you into a straight-A Student. I created a routine like this when I was in Years 12 and 13. (You can read more about my own routine in Step 1 of my ebook). It was pared down a bit from this when I was in year 11 (I didn't really start ‘going for it' properly until towards the end of year 11).

I'd like you to print off a copy of this sheet and create your routine alongside me. Enter your email in the box below to get started!

Enter your email to get your FREE weekly routine template

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1. Sleep

Sleep is fundamental to successful learning and your overall health. When I was at school (and to this day) I consistently try to aim for 8 hours sleep per night. People are different, some need more and some need less. Ideally I'd have at least half an hour more. But, I can function effectively on 8 hours per night.

So, first take a pen and colour in the hours you're going to be asleep. You're deciding on your bedtime and your wake-up time in doing this.

2. Self-care time

Mark in the time at the beginning of the day and at the end of the day that you need for self-care. So, getting up, washing, dressing and the reverse at the end of the day. You might also add in half-an-hour for a cup of tea and a snack when you get home from school.

3. Meal-times at home

Mark off the times when your family regularly eats. When I was in the sixth form we ate at 6:30. I always took from 6:30 until 7pm to eat, then I'd go back to the books. You will also want to mark in breakfast time.

4. School time and travel time

Block off the hours when you're at school and when you're travelling to and from school.

5. Your interests, hobbies and part-time work

Add in all the things you do outside school work like sports practices, part-time jobs, hobbies you have. Make sure you've marked off the times when these things happen on a regular basis.

6. Exercise

Make sure you've allowed some time to move your body on a daily basis. Taking regular exercise helps your brain to work better and keeps you physically and mentally healthy.

7. Study time

Now you've marked off all the things you HAVE to do in your week it's time to add in your study time.

These are the amounts of time I suggest you set aside for study.

  • Year 11 – 1-1.5 hours per week per subject. If you're doing 10 GCSEs that means you'll be doing 10-15 hours study at home per week.
  • year 12 – 5 hours per week per subject. If you're doing 4 AS levels that means you'll be doing 20 hours study at home per week.
  • Year 13 – 6.5 hours per week per subject. If you're doing 3 A2s that means you'll be doing 19.5-20 hours study at home per week.

Your task is to slot this number of hours study into your weekly timetable. If you can't get this number of hours onto your weekly timetable and you want to get the best grades possible then you need to think about what you can give up in terms of interests, hobbies and part-time work. It's an important lesson to learn – you can't do everything! If you consciously decide to do less study time and more of other things then you should understand now that you're making a decision to get lower grades. It's your call.

8. The time that's left…

Is there any time left over? Great! That time is yours. Use it as you wish – socialise, read, exercise, play music. Do what feels good to you and recharges you. But, most of all – enjoy!

What is study time?

Study time is the time in which you do school work. This may be homework, coursework or revision.

A straight A student will use all the study time they have allocated themselves every week. If they've finished their most urgent homework and coursework, they will spend the remaining time on revision tasks. Revision is not in addition to this study time.

What next?

Now you've created your weekly routine you need to start following it, and stick to it.

If it doesn't work for you, think about where it's failing. Is it your will-power that's failing, or is it something to do with the way your routine is organised? Re-jig your routine to suit your needs.

This all sounds like rather hard work, Lucy. Is it worth it?

It is hard work but I believe 100% that it's worth it. I gave up a lot to get 5 A Grades at A-Level. But, when I look at what it bought me in this life I would never change it. Those grades:

  • Earned me a place at Cambridge. Those three years were the best three years of my life. Not only did I have an amazing education, but I made amazing friends and had loads of once-in-a-lifetime experiences.
  • Enabled me to get head-hunted for my first graduate job. I worked with amazingly talented people for three years who taught me even more than the lecturers at university.
  • Showed me the power of education and inspired me to teach.
  • Gave me the credibility to help you excel in your education and life (and I love doing that for you).

What you should do next…

  1. Firstly, I'd like you to download a copy of the weekly routine and fill it out using the instructions I've given you.
  2. When you're done, come back here and leave a comment telling me you've done it! I love seeing you take action.
  3. Finally, share this post with one friend who you think would benefit from it.

Finding it difficult to create your weekly routine? Can't make your routine stick? Book some one-on-one time with me and I'll get you sorted. We'll get the foundation in place so that you can get grades in a (relatively) stress-free way!

This post was inspired by the questions I received from people who signed up to get the free download ‘7 tips to Start the School Year Right'. Sign-up to receive your copy to get all your weekly and daily routines as well as my other tips on setting yourself up to get the best grades possible.

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