Engineering careers: solve the world's problems + a great starting salary

engineering careers

Would you like a career that:

  • Uses all your intelligence, creativity, curiosity and problem solving abilities?
  • Solves all the world's most pressing problems like climate change and the aging population?
  • Is at the cutting edge of technological and scientific development?
  • Has more job opportunities than graduates, high starting salaries and rapid career progression?

If you answered ‘Yes!' to any of these questions I want you to keep an open mind and watch this video on engineering careers.

Engineering careers: what's the scoop?

On your behalf I spoke to Will Whittow, Senior Lecturer in Engineering and Admissions Tutor for Electronic and Electrical Engineering at Loughborough University. He's passionate about encouraging young people to study engineering at university and take up engineering careers.

The Interview

In the interview we cover:

  1. What kind of person makes a good engineer?
  2. What subjects do you need to study at A-Level to do an enginerring degree (and what your options are if you haven't studied these subjects)?
  3. What makes a stand-out engineering UCAS application?
  4. What kind of job will graduates end up doing? Is it easy to get jobs?
  5. Why should people study engineering at Loughborough?

Prepare to be inspired!

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Follow Will on twitter for further engineering inspiration: @WillWhittow

Check out the information about Engineering at Loughborough on the university's website.

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Engineering careers: solve the world's problems + a great starting salary. With @WillWhittow Share on X

Have your say

Do you have any questions for me or Will after listening to this interview? Leave them in the comments below.

If you know you're not interested in engineering careers I'd love to know what you are interested in so I can find other experts to interview. Leave me a comment to let me know which careers you'd like to learn about.

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