Category Archives for Careers

The real achievement behind GCSE and A-Level results

Would it surprise you to know that I don’t just look at GCSE and A-Level grades as being a reflection of academic ability? To me, they’re not just a measure of how ‘clever’ someone is. Instead, GCSE and A-Level grades tell a story, boiled down into a letter or a number, of two years of […]

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A-Level Economics: What is it and what’s it like with Bill Morrison

Are you considering taking A-Level Economics? Or, maybe you’re already studying it and are looking for more insight into how to study it effectively. In this interview with recently retired teacher, who was Head of the Economics and Business Department and a Principal Examiner setting exams and marking them for various exam boards, you can […]

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Engineering careers: solve the world’s problems + a great starting salary

Would you like a career that: Uses all your intelligence, creativity, curiosity and problem solving abilities? Solves all the world’s most pressing problems like climate change and the aging population? Is at the cutting edge of technological and scientific development? Has more job opportunities than graduates, high starting salaries and rapid career progression? If you […]

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Engineering careers: solve the world's problems + a great starting salary

Would you like a career that: Uses all your intelligence, creativity, curiosity and problem solving abilities? Solves all the world’s most pressing problems like climate change and the aging population? Is at the cutting edge of technological and scientific development? Has more job opportunities than graduates, high starting salaries and rapid career progression? If you […]

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