[56] All about the eleven plus exam with Victoria Ademosu

Podcast Episode 56 - all about the eleven plus examThis week I look into a topic that hasn’t been explored yet on this show – the eleven plus exam. Whether you're just considering it as an option for your child, or you are in the midst of eleven plus preparations, I know you will find it useful to hear from eleven plus expert Victoria Ademosu. She is the founder of TheTutoress.com, a growing education service which provides intensive courses, resources and tuition classes for children seeking to pass the eleven plus school entrance exams. She’s also a writer, author and a leader in business and personal development. Tune in to find out what is involved in the process, what is the best mindset to have, and how you can tell if the eleven plus is a good option for your child.

About Victoria

Victoria is on a mission to help support children working towards the eleven plus. She has received numerous awards for her work and is among The Maserati 100 List of Britain’s fastest rising business stars that are helping the next generation, as well as the winner of the #Eight Women Award 2014. She was a also finalist in The Guardian Small Business Showcase Awards.

What we cover on the show

What is the eleven plus?

What takes place in the eleven plus exam

How you know if your child is a good candidate for the eleven plus

What is covered in the eleven plus

What students need to practice and get extra support with before taking the eleven plus

Students with learning difficulties taking the eleven plus

How as parents your mindset impacts your child’s exam performance

The thirteen plus Common Entrance exam

Connect with Victoria

Twitter – @TheTutoress
Twitter – @VickyAdemosu
FB – @TheTutoressOnline

Join the waiting list for The Extraordinaries Club

The Extraordinaries Club is coming! In September I will be launching my online club for parents and students that will teach the study, communication and personal skills that all families need for students to achieve their full academic potential. The Extraordinaries Club builds on the success of my study skills course, The Exam Success Formula, which I ran successfully twice last year. The cornerstone content of the club will be the nine modules of The Exam Sucess Formula, but instead of having access to me for just eight weeks – you’ll have my support all year long through the medium of the weekly coaching calls. In addition, all my online masterclasses and workshops will be free to members throughout the year, where needed I’ll bring in guest experts to help with particular problems and I will develop more masterclasses and workshops throughout the year to give you exactly what you need to thrive, as a family, through the exam years.

If you like the idea of having my support all year long, sign-up for The Extraordinaries Club waiting list and you’ll be first to know when it opens for enrolment in September.

Click here to join the waiting list

Useful links

How to leave a podcast review for The School Success Formula

My book, The Ten Step Guide to Acing Every Exam You Ever Take.

Ten Steps to Exam Success download.

Supportive Parents, Successful Students facebook group

Lucy on twitter: @LucyCParsons

Contact Lucy by email: lucy@lifemoreextraordinary.com

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