[6] Inspiring creativity to support academic success with Gill Pawley

Inspiring creativity to support academic success with Gill Pawley

One of the biggest barriers I see to top level exam performance is under-developed writing skills. I particularly see this in the young men that I work with, but I also see it in girls. That’s why I invited Gill Pawley onto The School Success Formula to talk about how to encourage your teenager to write creatively and thereby improve their confidence in writing in all areas of their lives.

What we talk about in this episode

How Gill works with children and young people to improve their confidence, skill and love for writing and to explore their creativity.

The difficulties Gill commonly sees in young people when they’re asked to put pen to paper and the barriers they experience in expressing themselves in writing.

How Gill goes about changing youngsters negative beliefs about themselves as writers.

How parents can encourage their sons and daughters to write creatively through the summer holidays.

What young people should be doing on a regular basis to improve their writing skills.

Where to find out more about Gill

Gill’s website is www.inkpots.org

Find Gill on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Inkpots/

Find Gill on Twitter : Twitter: @Inkpots1

Find Gill on Instagram : Instagram: @inkpots_writing_workshops

Useful links

The Summer Reading Challenge

My book, The Ten Step Guide to Acing Every Exam You Ever Take.

Ten Steps to Exam Success download.

Supportive Parents, Successful Students facebook group

Lucy on twitter: @LucyCParsons

Contact Lucy by email: lucy@lifemoreextraordinary.com

If you’d like to suggest yourself as a guest for the podcast, please complete this form.

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FREE download: 7 Top Tips to Help Your Child Reach Their Academic Potential