[25] ADHD and ADD: Everything you need to support your child with Attention Deficit Disorder with Soli Lazarus

adhdADHD and ADD are neurological conditions that make it difficult for a child to sit still and concentrate. They can expend so much energy and attention on overcoming their natural impulses to move around that they can’t take in any other information, which clearly gets in the way of their learning.

In this episode of The School Success Formula, Soli Lazarus explains everything we need to know to support a child with ADHD or ADD.

About Soli

Soli is the mother of a son with ADHD as well as an assistant special needs co-ordinator and fully qualified teacher with thirty years of classroom experience. She specialises in inclusion, ADHD, autism, Asperger’s, development delay, communication and learning difficulties, Down’s Syndrome and dyslexia. Recently she has set up her own consultancy to help parents who are struggling with the practical and emotional burden of supporting a child with special educational needs. She is also the author of a book “Five Reasons Why Most Schools Fail Your Child With Special Needs – And What You Can Do About It”.

The questions Soli answers in this show

What is ADHD? What's the difference between ADHD and ADD?

What kinds of tasks do children find difficult when they have ADHD?

What are the signs that your child might have ADHD?

What’s the best way to get a diagnosis for ADHD? Is it through the school, through the NHS or privately?

What strategies do you recommend to parents and schools to help their children overcome the difficulties that ADHD brings?

Do you have any advice to parents about how to communicate with schools and teachers about what helps their child to learn and achieve?

What can be done to make revision more manageable for students with ADHD?

Links mentioned in this episode

Supporting a child with Aspergers’ Syndrome with Zoe Short

How to support a child with dyslexia with Debbie Abraham


Live a happy life with ADHD

How to get in touch with Soli

Facebook Yellow Sun page 

Twitter: @soli_yellowsun

Instagram: @soli_yellowsun


Blog: Soli Lazarus at Yellow Sun

Sign-up for the January Mocks Revision Workshop

Find out more details about the January mocks revision workshop here.

Useful links

My book, The Ten Step Guide to Acing Every Exam You Ever Take.

Ten Steps to Exam Success download.

Supportive Parents, Successful Students facebook group

Lucy on twitter: @LucyCParsons

Contact Lucy by email: lucy@lifemoreextraordinary.com

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