Help with achieving your goals this Christmas holiday

While it's the Christmas holiday and your priorities should rightly be pulling crackers, opening presents and eating turkey you or your child might also have some important academic goals to achieve in these two weeks.

I'm going to run through some of the academic priorities you might have right now and explain how I can help you achieve them this Christmas holiday.

How I can help you achieve your academic goals this Christmas

1. Being well prepared for mock exams after Christmas

If you've got mocks after Christmas, you will want to spend some of your Christmas holiday focusing on your revision so that you return to school feeling well prepared and confident about what's ahead.

This is how I can help you.

1. Creating a revision plan

Use either the Plan Your Revision module or a recording of a Revision Kickstarter workshop in The Extraordinaries Club to make a personalised revision plan that actually works – not one that you fall behind on after two days that leaves you feeling like a failure.

The materials in the club guide you through:

  • Prioritising what YOU need to revise so that you focus your precious attention on the subjects and topics that will make the biggest difference
  • Working out which revision techniques work best for you so that you get the most out of the time you spend revising
  • Creating a flexible revision plan that enables you to get your revision done whilst also enjoying Christmas

2. Revising in the most productive way possible

It makes me so sad when I hear about students spending countless dull hours using the wrong kind of revision techniques when they could be using much more effective ones that take way less time.

The Optimise Your Revision Techniques  module in The Extraordinaries Club shows you:

  • How learning works – so that you understand how to make your own learning successful
  • The best revision technique there is for improving your grades (one IB student used this technique to make her essay writing much more focused, so it took less time and resulted in better marks)
  • How to use popular revision techniques like flashcards, mindmaps and revision notes properly (one student recently used the flashcards video and went from a grade 2 to a grade 6 in an English assessment as a result)
  • Free resources you can find on exam board websites which give you extra insight into how to get the marks

3. Getting revision done

The Revise for Results module shows students how to manage their time, energy and motivation to get revision done as productively as possible.

If you, or your child, are always procrastinating or distracted this module is invaluable.

Click here to join The Extraordinaries Club and access all of these modules

2. Focusing on a problem subject

Most people have a weaker subject that could really do with some focused attention. Or, there might be a topic within a subjects that they want to improve.

Inside The Extraordinaries Club there is a series of How to Revise  masterclasses for GCSE and A-Level subjects. The aim of these masterclasses is to give students the inside track on how to handle the material in each subject to make their revision as efficient and effective as possible. They cover:

  • Exam technique
  • Suggested revision techniques
  • Common mistakes and pitfalls students make

These are the masterclasses we currently have available.

GCSE Masterclasses

  • English language
  • English literature
  • Maths
  • Foundations of Science (aimed at people who are less confident about GCSE science, usually achieving grade 6 and under)
  • Investigative techniques and experiments for GCSE science – this targets the tricky exam questions where students are required to apply their scientific knowledge to new experiments they've never seen before
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • History
  • Geography
  • French
  • Spanish

A-Level masterclasses

  • English Literature
  • Maths
  • Psychology
  • An EPQ masterclass will take place in early January for club members

One year 11 member of The Extraordinaries Club is going to use the How to Revise GCSE Science masterclasses to help her ‘understand science' (as she put it) because it has become a problem subject for her which is letting her down.

Click here to join The Extraordinaries Club and access all of these masterclasses

3. Writing a UCAS personal statement

With the UCAS application deadline on 15th January, many students who have left their UCAS application until the last minute, or who have only just decided to apply to university, will be having to spend the Christmas holiday writing their personal statement.

My Personal Statement Masterclass will hold your hand through the whole process of choosing courses and preparing, planning and writing a UCAS personal statement.

One parent whose daughter signed up for the masterclass said:

“The personal statement masterclass was a triumph! It helped lead to immediate offers from all the universities my daughter applied to. We are lucky enough to have a friend who works on the admissions team for a university, so once my daughter had worked through the masterclass, had edited and re-edited until she had her final statement and then we cheekily asked him if he could read it to see what he thought (I hasten to add, she wasn't applying to the university where he works). He said it was fantastic and that he wouldn't change a thing. Lucy, without you she wouldn't have known where to start, so a belated thank you.”

Click here to find out more about the Personal Statement Masterclass.

Go get those goals!

If you're very focused and decisive you can get huge amounts done in the Christmas holidays whilst also having fun and a well-deserved rest. If you'd like to use any of the resources in The Extraordinaries Club, or the Personal Statement Masterclass, to help you achieve your goals I would be delighted to be able to support you. If they're not the right support for you right now, I'm still cheering you on to do what needs to be done to achieve your dreams!


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