Category Archives for Motivation

How to get good at something and persevere

None of us is born knowing how to do anything, let alone being good at anything. Yes, some people pick some things up faster than others – one person might learn to read rapidly when another learns to skillfully wield a tennis racket much faster. But, we’re all initially blank slates. Ultimately, we all have […]

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Constructive Praise: How giving it to your teen will prevent nagging

We’ve all heard the phrase ‘constructive criticism’. And, you’ve probably received some from a well-meaning person. But, have you ever thought about ‘constructive praise’? The phrase ‘constructive praise’ first came out of my mouth when I was on a parents’ only coaching call for The Extraordinaries Club, my online hub that supports parents and students […]

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7 things I’d tell my younger self

It’s the season of new year’s resolutions and you may well be busy trying to pursue self-improvement goals. However, most people set themselves goals that are: a) almost impossible to fulfill (e.g. ‘get fit’. What does that even mean? How will you know when you’ve achieved it?) b) not actually terribly worth achieving anyway because […]

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