[36] What no-one’s telling you about what GCSE and A Level examiners are really looking for

Today, I want to let you into a great, big, fat secret that your child’s teachers and their exam boards have been keeping from them. In fact, your own teachers and exam boards almost certainly kept it from you. I only found out this secret in the last few months from the little clues they […]

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[35] SPD: Dealing with heightened senses and Sensory Processing Disorder with Becky Lyddon

When we’re nervous we tend to fiddle – we want to be aware of our bodies to keep ourselves alert. For those who suffer from Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), senses are even more heightened so sufferers find alternative ways to calm and process their senses. SPD comes in many forms, including distorted hearing, sight and […]

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[34] “How can I help my child revise?”

As exam season looms ever closer you might be wondering how you can help your children to revise. Today, I’m going to highlight the five key areas in which you can offer your support with your child’s revision. “How can I help my child revise?” Motivation Motivation is key to successful revision. Your child needs […]

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[33] Make your children love science through ‘wow’ moments with Dr Matt Pritchard

Our guest today is Dr Matt Pritchard. He is a science magician and Curator of Wonder. His amazing performances both inspire and inform. Matt loves being creative and is passionate about simplifying the complex. As an independent science communicator he performs to over 50,000 people a year and works with organisations like The Royal Institution, […]

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[32] Helping your child to choose their A levels

If your child is currently going through the process of choosing their A Level subjects they might be agonising over the different options. They want to keep their options open and do what they enjoy at the same time. In this week’s episode of The School Success Formula I’m going to give you some pointers […]

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[31] Teen Mental Health Today with Daniel Licence

1 in 10 young people have a diagnosed mental health problem – and 70% of those don’t get the proper intervention at an early enough age. We need to keep an open discussion about mental health, so we can learn more about the symptoms and reduce the problems. I speak today with Daniel Licence, a […]

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[30] The power of quality research and school libraries with Elizabeth Hutchinson

In this world of information-overload and ‘fake news’, the value of researching valuable information is a pressing skill for young people today; Librarians have the skills to teach children how to find such information. On today’s show, The School Success Formula meets with Elizabeth Hutchinson, and explores her goal in helping people find quality information […]

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[29] Learning a language the brain-friendly way with Karin Raffa

Learning a language is a testing experience for many of us. Under exam stress it’s even more off-putting. In this episode of The School Success Formula I speak with Karin Raffa to hear her tips on learning a language so it sticks, the importance of authentic motivation and how the brain learns. Her background in […]

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[28] How to make a success of your new year’s resolutions

As the new year beckons many people will be thinking about their goals for 2018 and they might be making new year’s resolutions. In today’s episode of The School Success Formula I wanted to talk about my experience of how to make a success of your goals and resolutions so that you and your children […]

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[27] Parents YOU matter

We’re drawing to the end of 2017 and I wanted to put together a podcast reflecting on what I’ve learned, through my business, over the last year. I thought of calling it my Christmas message, a bit like the queen, but that felt a little bit presumptuous. But, it is a message that I hope […]

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