How to make the most of The Exam Success Formula

the exam success formula

If you're thinking about enrolling in The Exam Success Formula, my study skills course for students and their parents, you're probably wondering how you can make the most of the course and ensure that it's not a big fat waste of money.

In this post, I'm going to give you some suggestions about how to get the most out of the course.

But first…

What is The Exam Success Formula?

The Exam Success Formula was an idea I had when I noticed two things:

  • The parents in my Facebook group, the Supportive Parents, Successful Students community were seemingly more stressed out than their children in the 2017 exam season. They needed help. They needed to know: what their role was in supporting their children, how to talk to their children about revision and exams and a community of people they could be honest with about their hopes, fears and feelings got them through this difficult time
  • When I worked with students one-to-one doing study skills coaching I spent nearly as much time talking to the parents about how their children were doing as I did talking to their children

I realised that parents needed to learn about how to study to optimum effect alongside their children and they needed help with communication and knowing how to support their children.

The course was born.

Click here to find out more

How to make the most of The Exam Success Formula

1. Set aside time to do the exercises

The course is delivered in eight weekly modules (you can find out what they are on the course information page). These modules are made up of short videos with me explaining an idea, an activity or a task, and task sheets that need to be completed. They are delivered to the students and parents taking part in the course at 7 am every Saturday morning for the duration of the course.

The families who made the most steady progress and used the course to the best effect set aside time to go through these materials. One family said they had a Sunday morning breakfast meeting, which became a cherished part of their week.

If you're thinking of enrolling in the course, when would be a good time for you to take an hour to watch the videos and complete the exercises?

2. Do it together

The course is designed for parents and students to work through it together. Parents are given access to all the student videos, as well as their own videos, and I highly recommend watching the student videos together and discussing them as a family.

Parents should also watch their own videos independently to consider the issues that I've raised and then think about how they will talk to their children about them.

The power of the course is in the togetherness of it – afterall, it's much better to have a parent in the home who totally gets what their child should be doing study wise rather than someone who they only see once per week telling them what to do from afar (like I do with my one-to-one coaching).

3. Attend the weekly coaching calls

Throughout the course, there are live coaching calls with me. The calls take place at 7:45 on a Thursday evening.

When the first cohort of families went through the course both students and parents found it helpful to turn up, have their turn getting my personal feedback on the issues they were having, but also to hear what others were facing and the solutions that were given to their problems. Many people said it made them feel much less alone, and one mum said she felt like much less of an ogre caring so much about her daughter's education as a result of taking part in the group calls.

Some people couldn't make it to the live calls. However, they felt much more a part of the community by watching the recordings and had similar feelings about not being alone as a result.

4. Interact with the other group members in the Facebook group

The Facebook groups (one for students, one for parents) is a safe space to share trials, tribulations, successes and break-throughs with the other members of the group – as well as your knowledge and experience. Personally, I have taken part in many online courses with Facebook groups attached and have found the communities a great place to get ongoing support from my peers.

5. Commit

The most important way to get the most out of the course is by making a commitment and turning up with the right attitude. It's the same in any learning environment: if you arrive with an open mind, excited and ready to learn, you will get far more out of the experience than someone who isn't totally bought into the experience.

6. Return to the course whenever you need it

The first time you go through the course you'll go through it systematically week-by-week. However, I do want you to return to the bits you need time and time again over the weeks, months and years ahead. Don't just do it and set it to one side. Keep coming back to it to seek the value out (and push up your grades) over the rest of your child's education.

Ready to sign-up?

If this information has helped you see how the course could be a good investment for you, you can sign-up here. Enrollment closes at 9 pm on 19th January 2018. If you've got further questions, ask them in the comments below or email me at

If you liked this post, you'll also find this one useful: How to prepare for The Exam Success Formula

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