Behind the Scenes of The Extraordinaries Club

Hopefully you'll have heard about my membership – The Extraordinaries Club. There is plenty of information about it on my blog, but you might be wondering what the membership site actually looks like once you're a member. Watch the video below to take a peek inside…

Behind the scenes of The Extraordinaries Club

When you type in the web address for the Club or click on a link like this one, you'll be taken to the information page where you can learn all about the membership and what you can expect in return for buying a membership for your family. If you click on the pink ‘join now' buttons, you'll be taken to the payment page, where you can choose whether to buy an annual membership, or to pay monthly.



Once you're a signed-up member of the Club, you'll have access to your Dashboard. This page will be added to and updated regularly. From here, you can access:

  • the date of the next group coaching call session
  • the latest courses
  • the latest workshops, masterclasses and webinars

You can also use the menu along the top of the page to access the different areas of the membership easily. From here you can find:

  • downloads – all of my downloads are accessible here, without having to enter your email address again
  • coaching calls – all of the previous coaching call session recordings can be accessed from here
  • account – you can access your account details here, and make any changes
  • community – here you'll find the parent members' Facebook community where you can ask (and answer) any questions, have discussions and chat to other parents.

Are you ready to find out more?

Click here to read more about joining The Extraordinaries Club, and if you have any more questions about joining The Extraordinaries Club, please email me:

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