Category Archives for Exam technique

A-Level Geography: 5 things successful students do

Studying A-Level Geography is truly fascinating. However, it’s a very content-heavy subject with a lot of case study material to remember, which can overwhelm some students.   I interviewed David Rendle, a former Geography teacher with 25 years of experience and an A-Level examiner, to get some insight into how A-Level Geography students can set […]

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How to persuade your parents to join The Extraordinaries Club

Maybe you’ve been following my blogs for a while and you’re signed up to my email newsletter. Maybe you hang around my Facebook page or Twitter account hungrily clicking on my tweets to get more inspiration and how-to advice to move you forwards with your exams. And, maybe you’ve been checking out the information page for my membership for […]

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[40] 3 Ways to Improve Your Exam Technique Fast

The first obstacle that many parents like you face is supporting your child to actually start and then continuing revising. I’ve talked about this in other episodes (Episode 22: 9 Reasons Why Your Child Isn’t Revising and What To Do About It; and, episode 37: Consistency: the key to excellent exam results). However, if they start revising […]

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