Category Archives for Applying to university

Engineering careers: solve the world's problems + a great starting salary

Would you like a career that: Uses all your intelligence, creativity, curiosity and problem solving abilities? Solves all the world’s most pressing problems like climate change and the aging population? Is at the cutting edge of technological and scientific development? Has more job opportunities than graduates, high starting salaries and rapid career progression? If you […]

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Engineering careers: solve the world’s problems + a great starting salary

Would you like a career that: Uses all your intelligence, creativity, curiosity and problem solving abilities? Solves all the world’s most pressing problems like climate change and the aging population? Is at the cutting edge of technological and scientific development? Has more job opportunities than graduates, high starting salaries and rapid career progression? If you […]

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Oxbridge Interviews: what they’re really looking for (Interview with the Admissions Tutor of Homerton College, Cambridge)

Oxbridge interviews are full of mystique. You hear alarming stories of things being thrown at candidates to see how they react. There are rumours of outright craziness from candidates like the time an Oxford interviewee was asked ‘What is courage?’. They replied ‘This,’ and walked straight out of the room. These stories can fill the […]

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