Category Archives for Applying to university

Oxbridge Interviews: what they're really looking for (Interview with the Admissions Tutor of Homerton College, Cambridge)

Oxbridge interviews are full of mystique. You hear alarming stories of things being thrown at candidates to see how they react. There are rumours of outright craziness from candidates like the time an Oxford interviewee was asked ‘What is courage?’. They replied ‘This,’ and walked straight out of the room. These stories can fill the […]

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How to write a Cambridge Personal Statement (Interview with the Admissions Tutor of Newnham College, Cambridge)

What should you put in your opening sentence? Do your AS grades matter? Do you need to have relevant work experience? How important is your further reading? These are all questions I’m asked all the time about personal statements. So, I thought the best thing to do would be to go directly to an Admissions […]

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I’ve got my AS level results. What now? (3 steps to forming a plan for success next year)

You’ve opened that dreaded envelope. You now know the truth that it contains. You’ve got your AS level results. What should you do next? Whether you were over-joyed with the results, got just what you expected or are horribly disappointed there are several things you can (and should) do now. 1. Work out what worked […]

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I've got my AS level results. What now? (3 steps to forming a plan for success next year)

You’ve opened that dreaded envelope. You now know the truth that it contains. You’ve got your AS level results. What should you do next? Whether you were over-joyed with the results, got just what you expected or are horribly disappointed there are several things you can (and should) do now. 1. Work out what worked […]

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