How to apply to Oxbridge and actually get in

Get into Oxbridge

Oxford and Cambridge are the best universities in the UK. It's official.

And you (or your child) have decided you want to study there. (Go you!)

You're clearly intelligent (after all you're getting straight As or even A*s). You also work blimmin' hard.

But what else do you need to do to get into Oxbridge, the UK's premiere universities and be the fellow alum of Charles Darwin, Sir Isaac Newton, Emma Thompson and AS Byatt?

Well, I've got the complete low-down here for you.

How to get into Oxbridge

How to choose an Oxbridge College

How to write a Cambridge Personal Statement (Interview with the Admissions Tutor of Newnham College, Cambridge)

What it really takes to get into Oxbridge – One reader said:

“Nice piece, probably the best I've seen on the subject.” David Beeby

Why we need to think differently about applying to Oxbridge

How to increase your chances of getting into Oxbridge

How to prepare for an Oxbridge interview

Oxbridge Interviews: what they’re really looking for (Interview with the Admissions Tutor of Homerton College, Cambridge)

How to Stand Out in an Oxford or Cambridge Personal Statement or Interview

Real Oxbridge Interview Questions Remembered by Successful Candidates

Concerned about fitting in at Oxford or Cambridge? Don't be…

What to do when you’ve been rejected by Oxford or Cambridge

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Top Ten Mastermind with Lucy Parsons

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Do you want my help getting into Oxford or Cambridge?

My Top Ten Mastermind programme is a small group coaching programme for students in years 11 and 12 who are aiming for Oxbridge or a top Russell Group University. When you take part in the programme you will be guided through planning and doing all the activities and experiences you need to support your application, on top of getting the grades.

Click here to find out more.

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